VazkiiModsArchive / Ambience

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Make BiomeMapper able to recognize modded biomes. #68

Open kd8lvt opened 5 years ago

kd8lvt commented 5 years ago

(Move config loading to "init" rather than "preinit", and handle possible duplicate Biome names.)

Add "debug" option to config. (To see all biomes, their names, as well as properly loaded event usages in the config through the game log when "true".)

katie206 commented 4 years ago

I'm a noob - can you explain what exactly does this do? Thanks

kd8lvt commented 4 years ago

@katie206 If you meant 'what does this pull-request change': From what I remember - it's been a while: Moving the config loading from the preinit phase into the init phase helps clean up modded biome support, as the latest you can create a biome (normally) is init. The debug config option simply prints some debug data to the log, so you can more easily configure the mod to do what you want.

If you meant 'what does a pull-request do' - a pull request allows people to submit code for review by the project's owner, so the owner can implement the code, if they so wish.

If neither of those are what you meant, please let me know and I'll do my best to help you out 😄