VazkiiModsArchive / Charset

The Charset Project for Minecraft
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[Suggestion] Double door operation for Forestry doors #32

Open xenoflot opened 7 years ago

xenoflot commented 7 years ago


I hope this is the right place. Is Charset the mod in FTB Unstable responsible for double door operations with vanilla doors?

If so, it would be great if the operation could be extended to include Forestry doors in addition to vanilla doors.


palaster commented 7 years ago

Yes, charset add double doors and it is possible to add that ability to mod doors, BUT I don't know what would happen if a door that wasn't meant to be open normally responds to double door operations, i.e. iron door.

xenoflot commented 7 years ago

Anticipating your diligent caution, Mezz over at Forestry offered to discuss it.

palaster commented 7 years ago

Technically this is not my call, but I have a solution add mod doors to double doors.

xenoflot commented 7 years ago

A quick googling doesn't show up any double door mods for 1.10 at this time.

palaster commented 7 years ago

Sorry I misspoke, the function in Charset that add that feature is called double doors. I have a solution available at #33.

Dushess commented 7 years ago

Note: same function exist in MalisisDoors. In addition i have suggestion to add locks on the doors.