Vdauphin / HeartsAndMinds

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Feature Requests #738

Open Vdauphin opened 4 years ago

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

This is the exclusive thread for feature requests.

Before reporting

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Suggestion for suicide car bombs: Spawn a suicider, then order him to get in a vehicle. This method is functionable to suiciders spawned by Achilles mod and ACE3 mod, so I wonder if it's implementable in a mission.

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Any work on suicide car bomb should take care of this: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/issues/347#issuecomment-328270613

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

[Question] Is there any condition for FOB deploy action to be shown? I'm using unchanged master_daily branch and there's no FOB deploy action no matter where I put the blue container.

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Nop that a bug!

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Hi, the big shower is too easy to flip if a vehicle knock on it. Would you make it solid?

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Already tried but nothing :/ I was thinking to use solid barrier around but I prefer let admin customize it

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Set the shower to "enableSimulation false" might help, but the animation would be disabled then.

enableSimulation usage on wiki pages: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSimulation https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSimulationGlobal

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Another question: Has all objects genetation (including vehicles, buildings, items and may be units) already moved to "align to ground surface"? I've recently noticed some chemical warfare items (like the container wreck and the big tent) and enemy's heavy ground vehicles (like tanks or BTRs) are generated half-undergrounded (sometimes vehicles may bounce) in very steep areas.

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Set the shower to "enableSimulation false" might help, but the animation would be disabled then.

This was the first thing I tried

enemy's heavy ground vehicles (like tanks or BTRs)

Yes (https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/=BTC=co@30_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/mil/createVehicle.sqf#L48)

(like the container wreck and the big tent)

Yes (https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/common/create_composition.sqf#L44)

From database https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/pull/448#issuecomment-352109721

The issue could still happen if 1 meter away the terrain change of shape. Create an issue if you have more intel


CurePindal commented 4 years ago

Suggestion: Support for AI toons Hello! Havent found any way for AI soldiers in the missions. We would love to have at least some basic support for AIs, because we usually play as a very small group, which isnt exactly easy to handle in H&Ms. Even just basic support for AI would be great! Would also enable being able to play solo. thx for considering. Keep up the great work!

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Hello, for now you could use Zeus Have fun!

Sir-Stone commented 4 years ago

Any plans on re-adding the interpreter role or has another role taken that position?

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

The interpreter role never gone ... (?) Look here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/mission.sqm#L1034

Sir-Stone commented 4 years ago

The interpreter role never gone ... (?) Look here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/mission.sqm#L1034

Appreciate it.

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago

To fix the big shower flipping problem add this code to the black tarp under the shower: btc_bigShower attachTo [this]; add this code to the init field

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this suggestion, sadly the animation is affected :/ But it is definitely a good work around

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago

I did it and the animation was not affected, make sure you have enable simulation on for the shower, also disable damage for tarp now the shower has no clipping so you can't hit it but it still works

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Continuous spray without attachTo: 20200414133457_1 Bubble spray with attachTo: 20200414133634_1 20200414133924_1

But it is a good work around.

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago
Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to add option to redeploy from FOB to base and other fobs? I added this feature but for some reason its impossible to redeploy to some fobs, screen goes black and then player remain at the same place instead of teleporting

With a first look I don't see why. I am working on something more standard: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/pull/825

Is it possible to spawn empty civilian vehicles at towns when players enter?

You could add civilian vehicles class name here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/mission.sqf#L299 But remember those objects spawn as super simple objects for performance reason

Is it possible to add markers to base vehicles so players will be able to see them on map? No, generally I dislike this but optional is okay, pull request is welcome...

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago

Didn't wanted to open new issue as I am not that good sqf programmer so maybe I didn't understood this line: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/a332b7c7b9480e921a521ad2b4984b384f6a082e/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/fob/redeploy.sqf#L60 is it possible that it can return <null> as _pos? I have issue with some fobs redeploy not working, and I think I managed to fix it by changing this line to: selectRandom _positions;

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

This line search for positions not on roof (_x select 2 < 1).

is it possible that it can return as _pos?

I don't think so but may be if your FOB have only position on roof, I will check tomorrow with your Land_Cargo_House_V4_F

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Your discussion makes me come up with a question: How to decontaminate a heli? Use a truck to tow it?

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

How to decontaminate a heli?

You need to destroy it and repair the wreck if it is not a helo. This could be done if the big shower is bigger...

Use a truck to tow it?

You can't tow heli

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago


NZF-JDWang commented 4 years ago

This could be an engine limitation, but it would be cool if we could use the flatbed HEMTT to bring wrecks back to base. I know you can load a hunter on the back, but pretty sure you can't load a wreck. (thanks BI) Maybe instead of using the ViV function you could do an attachTo?

Although I suppose with all the different models from all the different mods people use it would be difficult to script

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

it would be cool if we could use the flatbed HEMTT to bring wrecks back to base.

This is quite easy.

You can modify mission.sqf to make heli towable by truck.

In case you need to add tow function to non-towable and non-tower vehicles, you can modify this: veh_init.sqf.


mrNo0b commented 4 years ago

I think NZF-JDWang want to use the flatbed HEMTT to attach the wrecks/objects on the flatbed itself instead of towing it, I think we need this feature Edit: I have advanced tow and sling loading mods installed so maybe this is why I cant see this feature

NZF-JDWang commented 4 years ago

@GoldJohnKing Thanks but @mrNo0b was correct, I know how to set up the towing etc, but I was hoping there could be some way to load wrecks onto the flatbed.

I don't want to tow it, I want to put it on the bed of the truck and drive back to base like that.

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

I don't want to tow it, I want to put it on the bed of the truck and drive back to base like that.

Ah I get it. I vote for the feature, too, cause it looks better than towing. 😅

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

H&M used to keep player's loadouts when player die then respawn. However, after use BI Respawn, players always respawn with default loadouts and does not follow "remove weapons" params either. I'd like to have this feature back...

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

H&M used to keep player's loadouts when player die then respawn.

Yes, this is possible because in mission.sqm the CBA setting ace_respawn_savepredeathgear is ON.

However, after use BI Respawn, players always respawn with default loadouts

You should respawn with the loadout you have before respawn thanks to CBA setting ace_respawn_savepredeathgear.

and does not follow "remove weapons" params either.

If you are talking about the https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/def/param.hpp#L314-L318 parameter, when it is set on "Remove all weapons", the player spawn without weapons when connecting but does not apply on respawn.

I am not sure to understand well where the behavior changed since BI Respawn :/

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Ah, my fault... I did not notice ACE's server config is overwritten by mission configs...

canprod commented 4 years ago

When we talk to a civilian, he can ask for help. Like: -heal his friends in the next town -give food to the population -kill terrorist in the house -free his friend

All the mission need to be near the civilian. All the mission make reputation and the civilian can give more precise hint for the hideout or cache thats make the mission even more immersive.

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

the civilian can give more precise hint for the hideout or cache thats make the mission even more immersive.

This is already the case: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/info/ask.sqf#L90-L99

canprod commented 4 years ago

yes but after we complete his mission we can ask again and its more precise

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

I got an idea about that.

We can have a parameter titled "Need to contact civilian to gather mission detail" with "Always", "Random" and "Never" selections.

When set to "Always", the new generated mission title would be "Civilian ask for help, please go and check", then players need to find and contact the civilian to reveal mission detail. And after finished the job, we can return to the same people for an upvote on our overall reputation or request some intel (fake or real based on overall reputation but finish his job would increase the real probability). Let player choose what to do.

Those revealed mission types could not only be limited to existing mission types, but also include some intel, such as cache position and enemy activity location and so on...

Besides, fake request could also be generated based on reputation, such as enemy hidden deeply inside the people's houses, or when player contact him, civilians in the city take out guns and fight against players... Still, a parameter titled "Fake civilian request enabled" with "Always", "Random" and "Never" selections could be added.

After all, the essence of Arma is randomness.

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago

essence of Arma is bugs, glitches and low fps

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Hi, is there any way to spawn a FOB at mission start, or set a structure as FOB or permanent redeploy position in eden editor, so that player can teleport among the two or more position without manually deploying a FOB?

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago


is there any way to spawn a FOB at mission start,

Add this:

[[1,1,1], 0, "My FOB"] call btc_fnc_fob_create_s;

here: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/init_server.sqf#L20

See this for parameters: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/fob/create_s.sqf#L2-L27


GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Feature Request: Add support for UAVs respawn (including recovering from wreck). Currently, "Virtual crew" in UAV does not respawn no matter if it's set to be btc_helo or btc_veh, so UAV like B_UAV_05_Fand B_UAV_02_F can be used only once. I remember using ACE interaction could add crew into UAV, but it seems not working now. So could it be a bug or did I miss something?

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Currently, "Virtual crew" in UAV does not respawn no matter if it's set to be btc_helo or btc_veh,

btc_vehicles already have this feature, https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/log/createVehicle.sqf#L53-L55

btc_helo don't have it https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/eh/veh_respawn.sqf

So could it be a bug or did I miss something?

it is a bug :p

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Hi, could you please add a feature to delete dead bodies, vehicle wrecks (exclude btc_veh) and ground weapon holders near the base and making those garbage only exists for a certain time?

Because of the BI respawn/redeploy function, many more players choose to respawn instead of interact with the Arsenal to redeploy to another location, cause great amount of bodies and really low frame rate at base.

Because of BI cleanup is disabled, those bodies would exists forever unless Zeus delete them manually.

I think this could be a critical problem.

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Hi, could you please add a feature to delete dead bodies, vehicle wrecks (exclude btc_veh) and ground weapon holders near the base and making those garbage only exists for a certain time?

This is already available: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/city/cleanUp.sqf

Because of the BI respawn/redeploy function, many more players choose to respawn instead of interact with the Arsenal to redeploy to another location, cause great amount of bodies and really low frame rate at base.

This "respawn" should be named "suicide" as it kill player and decrease reputation

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

This is already available: https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/blob/master/%3DBTC%3Dco%4030_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis/core/fnc/city/cleanUp.sqf

I've read that code, btc_fnc_city_cleanUp seems only called when a city is deactivated, it does not always clean up garbage at base.

This "respawn" should be named "suicide" as it kill player and decrease reputation

Yes, I've noticed that... new players just wont listen to anything...

Vdauphin commented 4 years ago

Yes, I've noticed that... new players just wont listen to anything...

Do your admin job: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#respawnButton

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Yes, I've noticed that... new players just wont listen to anything...

Do your admin job: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#respawnButton

This can be used to prevent player from manually respawn, but would also cause unconscious player unable to respawn either, and player cannot recover from bug by respawn, which could be a significant side effect to players.

Besides, this does not solve the rubbish around base issue. Sometimes enemy continuously goes to and attack player base, so I think a garbage collect logic for player base would be a better solution.

mrNo0b commented 4 years ago

I added trigger to base and made it activate when no players are around, it will remove all destroyed objects, dropped gear, dead bodies (I think) add this to Activated code of the trigger (in my case I have this code in function):

// delete all destroyed player placed objects
if (count btc_log_obj_created > 0) then {
        if (damage _x == 1) then { _x call CBA_fnc_deleteEntity; };
    } forEach btc_log_obj_created;

    btc_log_obj_created = btc_log_obj_created - [objNull];

// clear all gear from ground
private _objs = nearestObjects [getPos nc_trig_baseCleaner, ["GroundWeaponHolder"], 500]; 

if (count _objs > 0) then {
        _x call CBA_fnc_deleteEntity;
    } foreach _objs;

if (btc_debug) then {
    ["[!] Base cleaner activated"] remoteExec ["systemChat", -2];

trigger name is nc_trig_baseCleaner but if you use this code inside trigger replace it with this, maybe this code will miss some items, but it worked fine when I tested it on local dedicated server... I agree with GoldJohnKing, there should be "base cleaner" by default. server that I used to play this mission on switched to another one so now I can't edit it.

GoldJohnKing commented 4 years ago

Thanks to @mrNo0b , I come up with an idea.

Just use this inside the trigger:

[[btc_base]] call btc_fnc_city_cleanUp;
if (btc_debug) then {
    ["Base Cleanup Triggered."] remoteExec ["systemChat", 0];

When trigger activates, the btc_fnc_city_cleanUp is called, and garbage within certain range of btc_base would be deleted, and this is fully compatible with the mission, without any need to think about item types and btc_veh or something.