Vector35 / binaryninja-api

Public API, examples, documentation and issues for Binary Ninja
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iOS/etc. ObjC Type Libraries #3106

Open 0cyn opened 2 years ago

0cyn commented 2 years ago

While Obj-C type libraries are an entirely different beast that may be blocked pending, the public SDKs for *OS systems contain a large amount of C function calls and structs/enums which we currently do not have types for.

Shipping type libraries for these C functions would offer vast improvements to decompilation output for *OS images as a whole, similar to the improvements made by Windows/Linux ones.

CouleeApps commented 2 years ago

Anything here that isn't covered under #2735 or #2736 ?

0cyn commented 2 years ago

Anything here that isn't covered under #2735 or #2736 ?

I've updated the issue to target specifically ObjC Libraries. This issue is now 100% blocking on #2973