Vector35 / debugger

Binary Ninja debugger
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Step return lets x86 target run freely if the first instruction after the return is `jmp` #421

Open xusheng6 opened 1 year ago

xusheng6 commented 1 year ago

For the following code,

004012d5  call    ___security_init_cookie
004012da  jmp     sub_401153

If I step into the function ___security_init_cookie, and then hit step return, the target will run freely, as if I send a Go command. There are several requirements for this issue:

  1. It must be an x86 binary
  2. The first instruction on the return address is an jmp

Note, this is actually a windbg bug -- that I can reproduce it directly in windbg.

xusheng6 commented 1 year ago

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