Vector35 / deprecated-binaryninja-python

Deprecated Binary Ninja prototype written in Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
518 stars 128 forks source link

Displayed Instructions Different between Container Formats #15

Open theqlabs opened 8 years ago

theqlabs commented 8 years ago
f1 = bv.functions[0]
f1b1 = f1.basic_blocks[0]
start = f1b1.start
end = f1b1.end
while start != end:
     x, size = bv.arch.get_instruction_text(, 4), start)
     start += size

print ins results in a nice clean output for Mach-O:

[['push ', 'rbp'],
 ['push ', 'rbp'],
 ['mov  ', 'rbp', ', ', 'rsp'],
 ['push ', 'r15'],
 ['push ', 'r14'],
 ['push ', 'r13'],
 ['push ', 'r12'],
 ['push ', 'rbx'],
 ['sub  ', 'rsp', ', ', '0x38'],
 ['mov  ', 'r13', ', ', 'rsi'],
 ['mov  ', 'r15d', ', ', 'edi'],
 ['mov  ', 'qword ', '[', 'rbp', '-0x38', ']', ', ', '0x0'],
 ['lea  ', 'r12', ', ', '', '[', '0x100001d5a', ']'],
 ['lea  ', 'r14', ', ', '', '[', '0x100001610', ']'],
 ['xor  ', 'ebx', ', ', 'ebx'],
 ['xor  ', 'eax', ', ', 'eax'],
 ['xor  ', 'ecx', ', ', 'ecx'],
 ['mov  ', 'qword ', '[', 'rbp', '-0x58', ']', ', ', 'rcx'],
 ['jmp  ', '0x100001280']]

and for ELF looks like a giant mess:

[['stp', '    ', 'x29', ', ', 'x30', ', ', '[', 'sp', ', #', '-0x10', ']!'], ['adrp', '   ', 'x0', ', ', '0x473000'], ['mov', '    ', 'x29', ', ', 'sp'], ['add', '    ', 'x0', ', ', 'x0', ', ', '#', '0xf50'], ['bl', '     ', '0x448214'], ['bl', '     ', '0x439c28'], ['eor', '    ', 'x7', ', ', 'x0', ', ', 'x1'], ['mov', '    ', 'x10', ', ', '#', '0x101010101010101'], ['tst', '    ', 'x7', ', ', '#', '0x7'], ['', '   ', '0x428960'], ['eor', '    ', 'x7', ', ', 'x0', ', ', 'x1'], ['mov', '    ', 'x10', ', ', '#', '0x101010101010101'], ['tst', '    ', 'x7', ', ', '#', '0x7'], ['', '   ', '0x428960']]

Wondering why the difference? Tried a few different basic blocks, same output. note: these are two different binaries, i don't really want to go compile the same binary on both archs right now