Vectorized / solady

Optimized Solidity snippets.
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✨ ERC20P related to issue #735 #935

Closed wh173-c47 closed 2 weeks ago

wh173-c47 commented 1 month ago


Created "ERC20P" related to issue #735, I don't know if it's still meaningful, but thought it would be convenient in some cases. Changes are:

Test has also been added (updated version of current ERC20).


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Vectorized commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the great efforts. But may or may not merge. It’s my OCD to have it all in one file as much as possible, with zero cost abstraction.

wh173-c47 commented 1 month ago

No problem, I get it, I have mine too.

Anyway it was pleasant to work on it and I might find some uses for it.

Thanks for you time and feedback.

Vectorized commented 1 month ago

@wh173-c47 tysm!!!

wh173-c47 commented 1 month ago

Have to say this before I leave, but I have much respect and admiration for solady repo and your work, really. Thank you for that, for those snippet, for this inexhaustible source of knowledge.

I'm pretty busy, but someday I end up with free time so I feel the need to tell you, but I would really be honored to help, to contribute.

So feel free to reach me if any help is needed / specific taks are needed in priority, will always do my best and answer whenever I can.

Again thank you.