VedAstro / VedAstro.Python

A Python Libray for Vedic Astrology calculations.
MIT License
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TypeError: No method matches given arguments for Person..ctor: #12

Open rickspark4 opened 8 months ago

rickspark4 commented 8 months ago

I am getting below error and not able to understand how to solve it,

i am trying to run below code as mentioned in pip documentation

from vedastro.calculators import SaturnInAries from vedastro.objects import GeoLocation, Time, Person, Gender import VedAstro.Library as VedAstro

Create a GeoLocation object for Tokyo, Japan

geolocation = GeoLocation(location="Tokyo", latitude=35.6895, longitude=139.6917).geolocation

Define the birth date, time, and time offset

date = "07/05/2010" time = "06:42" time_offset = "+09:00"

Create a Time object for the birth date, time, and time offset

time_ob = Time(date, time, time_offset, geolocation).time_object

Define the person's ID, user ID, notes, name, and gender

id = "1234" user_id = "123" notes = "" name = "John Doe" gender = Gender.Male

Create a Person object for John Doe with the provided details

john_doe = Person(id=id, user_id=user_id, name=name, gender=gender, birth_time=time_ob, notes=notes).person

do calculation to check if saturn is in aries at a given time

saturn_aries = VedAstro.HoroscopeCalculatorMethods.SaturnInAries(time_ob)

data if the astro event occured

occurrence = saturn_aries.Occuring

get the planets or houses related to this astro event

related_body = saturn_aries.RelatedBody

Print the results

print("Occurrence of Saturn in Aries:", occurrence) print("Related celestial body:", related_body)

TypeError: No method matches given arguments for Person..ctor: (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'VedAstro.Library.Time'>, <class 'VedAstro.Library.Gender'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'NoneType'>)

sengiv commented 8 months ago

Sorry for the late reply, i thought the issue was major so saved it for this week..... now i see this simply the case of outdated code still in README file ๐Ÿ˜…

@rickspark4 check out the readme file now, it contains a working example please report back if it works so we can close this issue

rickspark4 commented 8 months ago

Hey @sengiv New code is working now ,but the code you provided earlier is still throwing same error, on the other hand there are certain python files that you provided in repo also not working

Regards: Rick Spark

sengiv commented 8 months ago

if possible please list the demo files that is causing error, they probably contain outdated code. ...also feel free to experiment and update code files and make PR ๐Ÿ™

the repo basically needs spring cleaning ๐Ÿงน the core astro library is guaranteed fine atm, because the live API server is running on the same code base, and there's no errors. So all errors you're experiencing is only due to "invalid or outdated syntax" via Python