VegaDeftwing / OpGuidesHugoSrc

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Freedoms and Rights: Personal Armament #20

Closed jhwgh1968 closed 2 years ago

jhwgh1968 commented 2 years ago

I've done my best to channel my inner Zoomer for you, heh.

It's not very definitive, but it doesn't seem like you are either. Hopefully this correctly reflects that. At the very least, I hope it will narrow the scope of the question to something useful to people.

VegaDeftwing commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I really like how this reads, and I love the Jan 6th comment

VegaDeftwing commented 2 years ago

@jhwgh1968 do you have a source on

Even more than that, almost a third of murder victims did not want the state to “avenge them”,

as I feel like that could both use a citation to back it up as well as a mild rephrasing as not to imply the dead said this postmortem

jhwgh1968 commented 2 years ago

I could not find the article that had it, but I think I found the source.

I misremembered some details, and it's 1/4 not 1/3, but the spirit is the same.

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