VegaDeftwing / OpGuidesHugoSrc

Repo for the development of OpGuides
25 stars 15 forks source link

Prepend hackster url with "https" #23

Closed rashivkp closed 2 years ago

rashivkp commented 2 years ago

It was resolving to 404 previously

Thank you for submitting a pull request!

Before I (Vega) can merge your content I just need to deal with how to license and credit your contribution.


If you have no idea what this means and don't care, putting your work into the public domain, option one, is probably what you want. That just means that anyone can use what you contributed anywhere without permission or attribution. Unless your contribution is extremely minor, I will still give you credit on the front page of OpGuides.

If that doesn't sit well with you, then you probably want to go with the second option which requires that I or anyone using your work give you credit, share their changes, and get permission from either me (or someone acting on my behalf) OR you directly before using the content to make money (typically for covering the cost of hosting the website + proving incentive to keep making more content)

First things first,

Not checking this box does not mean I will deny your pull request outright, it just means we may need to have a look at how likely we are to be called out on using whatever content you've used.

Pick one of these 3 Options:

1) Public Domain
2) CC-NC-BY-SA 4.0 With Exceptions
3) Copyright Assignment

And Done!

If you have any questions about the license or have any concerns about your PR, please don't hesitate to ask!

VegaDeftwing commented 2 years ago

Thank you!