Vegeta2020 / SE-SSD

SE-SSD: Self-Ensembling Single-Stage Object Detector From Point Cloud, CVPR 2021.
Apache License 2.0
811 stars 128 forks source link

Could you update the requirements file with version of packages #98

Closed ajithvcoder closed 1 year ago

ajithvcoder commented 1 year ago

Could you kindly update the requirements file with version of packages . i am facing errors with spconv, cumm etc

ajithvcoder commented 1 year ago

package versions are for torch==1.7.0+cu11

numba==  '0.55.2'
opencv-python-  '4.7.0'
numpy '1.22.4'
scipy == '1.9.1'
apt-get update
apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6
apex -  22.04-dev -
ajithvcoder commented 1 year ago

Use to install spconv1.x