Vegetebird / MHFormer

[CVPR 2022] MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
MIT License
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question about marking pictures in dataset #31

Closed WaterS-MoYu closed 2 years ago

WaterS-MoYu commented 2 years ago

hi,I finished reading your paper and I have a question, it seems that the Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP dataset are used for evaluation, so does it mean that the training dataset is marked by yourself? I learned from other papers(e.g. blazepalm) that the widely used method is to use a 3d software to generate keypoints-marked dataset, then use this initial model to iteratively update. 您好,我阅读了您的文章,十分厉害!但是我有一个问题想请教你们,就是我看文章里面说的那两个数据集是用来评估的,我的理解是测试集,所以训练集是您在谷歌drive上的npz文件?是您自己标注的吗?因为我目前从其他文章了解到的方法是先用3d软件通过获取准确关节点的坐标生成数据集和初始模型,然后不停的迭代(标注其他数据集)。

Vegetebird commented 2 years ago

The annotations are provided by the dataset from Human3.6M website. The npz are generated by VideoPose3D.

WaterS-MoYu commented 2 years ago

ok,thank you