Vek17 / TabletopTweaks-Reworks

This module provides non tabletop based tweaks to Owlcat's original mythic content including changes to some mythic classes and some mythic abilities.
MIT License
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Some Trickster Spells not casting #2

Open dotalink opened 2 years ago

dotalink commented 2 years ago


I'm not entirely sure which part of your mod would have caused this or even if it does but this wasn't an issue for me before until I put this mod in. Some of the Trickster spells I've tried using, namely fish missile, invisibility almost greater, summon any tier beer elementals, summon greasly bear, summon perpetually annoyed wizard and charm whatever.

These, when clicked, with no failure chance, do a half-animation and suddenly stop unlike the other spells that cast and work. It says nothing in the chat, not failure, not success, nothing. The conditions are met and they're available.

The invisibility one actually has an animation, says it was cast in the chat but doesn't apply the buff.

I've been trying to figure this one out for a while and I'm not sure what to make of it.

Thank you and take care!