VelzckC0D3 / Land-Rover-E-Commerce

This is the Full-Stack capstone developed by a great and collaborative team of developers wo where able to develop a\ geat and sustainable working application featuring the recognized brand Land Rover to create a totally functional appliaction
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[10pt] Setting Up Backend Infrastructure for Project using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL #1

Closed VelzckC0D3 closed 1 year ago

VelzckC0D3 commented 1 year ago

📋 Description:

In this project, the task involves setting up the foundational backend infrastructure using the Ruby on Rails framework. The goal is to establish a robust backend system that includes API endpoints for data interaction, leveraging PostgreSQL as the database management system. This step is crucial as it forms the basis for the entire project, ensuring efficient data handling and communication between the frontend and backend components.

🎯 Objective:

The main objective of this task is to create a functional backend architecture using Ruby on Rails, incorporating API endpoints that allow data exchange, and utilizing PostgreSQL as the database system. By completing this task, we aim to establish a strong foundation for the project, enabling seamless communication and storage of data.

📝 Set up Ruby on Rails: