$ vault write venafi-pki/issue/tpp-refresh common_name="dffsdsd.venafi.example"
Error writing data to venafi-pki/issue/tpp-refresh: Error making API request.
URL: PUT http://tpp.venafi.example:8200/v1/venafi-pki/issue/tpp-refresh
Code: 500. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* unexpected status code on TPP Authorize. Status: 400 Bad Request
After exposing the error while debugging:
{"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"The client_id value being requested with the refresh token does not match the client_id of the access token making the call."}
Resolves https://github.com/Venafi/vault-pki-backend-venafi/issues/121
Cleaned some old dependency with VCert 3.x
Upgrades Golang to be mandatory on 1.21 on
fileUpgrades libraries for VC-26776
Fixes bug that broke proactive token refresh:
After exposing the error while debugging:
that was introduced here: https://github.com/Venafi/vault-pki-backend-venafi/pull/108