Vencord / Vesktop

Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support
GNU General Public License v3.0
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move patch to vencord core plugin, DO NOT MERGE WITHOUT MERGING MY OTHER PR INTO VENCORD FIRST #563

Closed kaitlynkittyy closed 3 weeks ago

kaitlynkittyy commented 1 month ago

just shuffling a patch around to make sure it's enabled for chromium users too :3

powerofthe69 commented 3 weeks ago

excuse the bump but I was hoping to know when we might expect this change to be merged into Vencord and Vesktop? The current bitrate cap makes my streams sad, especially on more complex games :(

kaitlynkittyy commented 3 weeks ago

It's already a part of vesktop, but for other web clients (chromium), it is ready to merge afaik.

kaitlynkittyy commented 3 weeks ago

To clarify, I'm waiting for the plugin to merge into vencord before this is ready to be removed from vesktop. As of right now the bitrate cap is removed on vesktop and not web, but once it's added to vencord, it can be freely removed from vesktop, as vencord will make the same patch.