Vencord / Vesktop

Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.37k stars 123 forks source link

No Vencord menu #567

Closed Miko0187 closed 1 month ago

Miko0187 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

I wanted to change some vencord settings but the menu is gone

To Reproduce

Just open the app ig? Idk how to reproduce

Expected behavior

Vencord options should be available.


grafik grafik

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Command line output

[arRPC > ipc] listening at /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0
[arRPC > websocket] listening on 6463
[arRPC > process] started
Miko0187 commented 1 month ago

wdym duplicate

kaitlynkittyy commented 1 month ago

a lot of users have reported the same issue, please check other issues before making a new one. But just to save you the time, right click tray icon > update vencord