Vencord / Vesktop

Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Vesktop opens share-picker multiple times #583

Closed myryk31415 closed 2 weeks ago

myryk31415 commented 3 weeks ago

Discord Account

No response

Operating System

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

Linux Only ~ Desktop Environment


What happens when the bug or crash occurs?

When pressing screen-sharing multiple popus open in this order (next one opens when selecting something):

  1. hyprland-share-picker
  2. Discord/Vesktop screenshare popup for quality etc
  3. hyprland-share-picker
  4. hyprland-share-picker

If I select the same screen 3 times in hyprland-share-picker it streams as expected, otherwise the stream opens after the Discord popup but doesn't load.

What is the expected behaviour?

Selecting a screen once should probably be enough.

How do you recreate this bug or crash?

  1. open Vesktop
  2. join voicecall
  3. select screen sharing
  4. now the popups open one after another

Debug Logs

Idk what I should log, I could provide dbus-monitor if that helps.

Request Agreement

AAGaming00 commented 3 weeks ago

As a temporary workaround, tick "allow a restore"

zbigniewpaczynski commented 2 weeks ago

Same thing happens on Arch with KDE

Vendicated commented 2 weeks ago

issue with your desktop environment / chromium