Vencord / Vesktop

Vesktop is a custom Discord App aiming to give you better performance and improve linux support
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] window goes offscreen #597

Closed LunarcatOwO closed 3 weeks ago

LunarcatOwO commented 3 weeks ago

Discord Account


Operating System

Windows 11

Linux Only ~ Desktop Environment

No response

What happens when the bug or crash occurs?

if i close vesktop (end it ccompleatly) while its on a second screen then disconnect that screen the next time I start vesktop it will just go off screen and is unable to be retrived

What is the expected behaviour?

Expect vesktop to snap back on to main screen.

How do you recreate this bug or crash?

close vesktop (end it ccompleatly) while its on a second screen then disconnect that screen the next time I start vesktop it will just go off screen and is unable to be retrived

Debug Logs

Replace this text with your crash-log. Do not remove the backticks

Do not have any

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LunarcatOwO commented 3 weeks ago

and the only way to retrieve the window is by using alt+space to open a windows menu to select move and use the arrow keys to move vesktop back to main window

MrGarlic1 commented 3 weeks ago

I was able to reproduce this issue on Windows 10 using a laptop and external display. It appears that Windows does not have a check to prevent apps from starting out of bounds, which Vesktop will attempt to do if the display is removed.