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{REQUEST} Image utilities file saving #350

Open LuSaffi opened 2 months ago

LuSaffi commented 2 months ago

Plugin Description

Image utilities style image saving (pre-define a location)> Right click image > Save Image to > {FolderName} 68747470733a2f2f6d776974747269656e2e6769746875622e696f2f426574746572446973636f72644164646f6e732f506c7567696e732f496d6167655574696c69746965732f5f7265732f73637265656e73686f74322e706e67

Existing Plugin for other mod

Request Agreement

kvba0000 commented 2 months ago

Looks like a good idea for a plugin, though some features are already in other plugins like for example zooming image (ImageZoom) or image searching (ReverseImageSearch). I might check later what can I do with this and let you know, for now let's see other's reaction.

Data-PhiIe commented 1 month ago

Looks like a good idea for a plugin, though some features are already in other plugins like for example zooming image (ImageZoom) or image searching (ReverseImageSearch). I might check later what can I do with this and let you know, for now let's see other's reaction.

Devilbro made one for BDD ( You guys could probably wrap up all of it into one plugin (zoom and reverse lookup). I made the switch to vencord this year, the user experience has been a lot better than BDD for me personally (it hasn't broken as much). The one and only plugin I feel I can't do without is the easy context menu to download images/gif/videos/emojis. For me personally, I feel its the one thing making vencord incomplete. I upvoted this request, I really hope to see it soon! :)

--edit-- Sorry I didn't need to relink it I had a derp moment

LuSaffi commented 1 month ago

Yeah i specifically would like to see all the similar functions merged into one plugin, plus the file saving context menu added, I really miss that functionality and if BD wasnt a broken mess I'd still be there because of that context menu

TheSrBig commented 1 month ago

I love this request, I would also like to be able to download stickers, gifs, and emojis, even animated ones.