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Show old direct messages / RememberDMs #498

Open SteffoSpieler opened 2 months ago

SteffoSpieler commented 2 months ago

Plugin Description

Discord hides older direct message chats from the list if you have more than 100 chats (excluding group chats). This can result in forgetting about someone / someone's chat.

An option on how to fix that would be to save all chat-ids in a file, and when loading the actual list of direct messages, the plugin could look into the JSON file and see what chats are missing, and add them below all other chats. Maybe even with a divider to visualize that they aren't normally visible (and thus aren't sorted by message date)?

I don't know if you could also just modify the web request to get more than 100 chats - but I'd guess that would do something with the API that the normal client wouldn't do.

The option with the JSON file would be probably the easiest. (Keep in mind, I come from BD and just installed Vencord a few days ago, and thus I don't really know if plugins can save custom files and maybe even sync them.)

Existing Plugin for other mod

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Request Agreement

JDJGInc commented 1 month ago

I think some plugins have downloaded json and other stuff unsure though.

programminglaboratorys commented 1 month ago

another reason why I prefer public servers over dms <:valorant:1219969171505545296>

mynameisbob1928 commented 1 month ago

I think some plugins have downloaded json and other stuff unsure though.

Dunno about normal plugins but the advanced message logger that you can get as a custom plugin saves files to %AppData%/Vencord