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Upload gifs from gif picker, as opposed to sending as a URL #611

Open moosetwin0 opened 1 month ago

moosetwin0 commented 1 month ago

Plugin Description

This could potentially be added as an option to GifPaste, which currently has none.

I intend to use this so that I can add messages to my gifs, without the ugly link added by GifPaste.

Existing Plugin for other mod

No response

Request Agreement

qtlunya commented 1 month ago

The problem with this is that as far as I've seen, Discord won't automatically animate GIFs sent as files.

moosetwin0 commented 1 month ago

The problem with this is that as far as I've seen, Discord won't automatically animate GIFs sent as files.

It does on my end:

qtlunya commented 1 month ago

Oh, seems like it does if you send an actual GIF file. But if you try to save a GIF on mobile (iOS at least), it saves as a MOV, and doesn't render as a GIF when you send it. (Not relevant to this request, but annoying.)