Open paulhobbel opened 1 year ago
CPU: Phenom II X4 960t RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600mhz GPU: NVIDIA GTS 450 1GB
[1218/] 3F350700: set chrome proxy config service to 3F2E1300
[1218/] Could not get the download directory.
[1218/] MSM::InitializeMaybeAsync([this=3F23EA00])
[1218/] MDM::MediaDevicesManager()
[1218/] MSM::MediaStreamManager([this=3F23EA00]))
[1218/] DXVAVDA fatal error: Could not load msmpeg2vdec.dll: Nie mo�na odnale�� okre�lonego modu�u. (0x7E)
[1218/] 3F351340: set chrome proxy config service to 3F2E0100
[1218/] Available number of cores: 4
[1218/] failed to allocate GPU memory buffer
[1218/] RFAOSF::Core() [process_id=4, frame_id=1]
[1218/] Document::DispatchUnloadEvents() URL = <null>
[1218/] Actually dispatching an UnloadEvent: URL = <null>
[1218/] RFAOSF::Core() [process_id=4, frame_id=1]
[1218/] Created context:
extension id: (none)
frame: 37B426FC
context_type: WEB_PAGE
effective extension id: (none)
effective context type: WEB_PAGE
[1218/] Created context:
extension id: (none)
frame: 00000000
context_type: UNSPECIFIED
effective extension id: (none)
effective context type: UNSPECIFIED
[1218/] Num tracked contexts: 1
[1218/] NetworkDelegate::NotifyBeforeURLRequest:
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/", 4A262A04:LayoutNGBlockFlow (positioned) DIV id='watermark' moved from "1224.45,35.5469 20x67.7656" to "1168.48,35.5469 75.9688x67.7656" (visible from "1224,36 20x68" to "1168,36 76x68")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/", 4A262C88:LayoutText #text moved from "1224.45,84.3125 20x19" to "1168.48,84.3125 75.9688x19" (visible from "1224,84 20x19" to "1168,84 76x19")
[1218/] (starting point from "1224.45,84.3125" to "1196.47,84.3125")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/", 4A262CFC:LayoutText #text moved from "1224.45,84.3125 20x19" to "1168.48,84.3125 75.9688x19" (visible from "1224,84 20x19" to "1168,84 76x19")
[1218/] (starting point from "1234.45,84.3125" to "1206.47,84.3125")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/", viewport was 0.420573% impacted with distance fraction 0.0437256 and subframe weighting factor 1
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/", layout shift of 0.000183898 reported; cumulative score is 0.000183898
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", 4A26696C:LayoutNGTextControlSingleLine INPUT id='username' moved from "475.562,298.656 328.859x35.5469" to "475.562,468.656 328.859x35.5469" (visible from "476,299 329x36" to "476,469 329x36")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", 4A266D54:LayoutNGTextControlSingleLine INPUT id='password' moved from "475.562,375.078 328.859x35.5469" to "475.562,545.078 328.859x35.5469" (visible from "476,375 329x36" to "476,545 329x36")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", 4A266FA0:LayoutNGBlockFlow A class='btn border-btn primary' moved from "475.562,437.266 328.859x35.5469" to "475.562,607.266 328.859x35.5469" (visible from "476,437 329x36" to "476,607 329x36")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", 4A267134:LayoutNGBlockFlow A class='btn border-btn' moved from "475.562,490.562 328.859x35.5469" to "475.562,660.562 328.859x35.5469" (visible from "476,491 329x36" to "476,661 329x36")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", 4A2672C8:LayoutNGBlockFlow DIV class='login-actions' moved from "475.562,543.859 328.859x17.7656" to "475.562,713.859 328.859x17.7656" (visible from "476,544 329x18" to "476,714 329x18")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", 4A2674F8:LayoutNGBlockFlow (relative positioned) INPUT moved from "582.672,543.859 17.7656x17.7656" to "582.672,713.859 17.7656x17.7656" (visible from "583,544 18x18" to "583,714 18x18")
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", viewport was 7.73771% impacted with distance fraction 0.132812 and subframe weighting factor 1
[1218/] in "webui://main/#/login", layout shift of 0.0102766 reported; cumulative score is 0.0104605
It seems like one of the tweaks that I did to gpu/ipc/service/
might be causing issues. So far the issue still only seems to happen on Windows 7
The issue seems to be related to the use of DirectX 11.1 features whose are not supported by Windows 7. More information can be found here
In order to fix this, all references to IDXGIResource1
and similar API's have to be converted to the DirectX 11.0 equivalents
Will it be fixed or are you just fixing the facts?
Will it be fixed or are you just fixing the facts?
Discord NoFaTe — 22.12.2022 13:25 We are aware of an issue where players on Windows 7 will get an infinite loading screen after the last update and are working on a fix. In the meantime, if you are on Windows 7, you can revert to the previous build using this installer or zip file:
Since VU will try to update automatically, you can add -updateBranch none to its launch arguments to prevent it from doing so.
if you are on Windows 7, you can revert to the previous build using this installer or zip file:
Since VU will try to update automatically, you can add -updateBranch none to its launch arguments to prevent it from doing so. thx what need!
Will it be fixed or are you just fixing the facts?
Discord NoFaTe — 22.12.2022 13:25 We are aware of an issue where players on Windows 7 will get an infinite loading screen after the last update and are working on a fix. In the meantime, if you are on Windows 7, you can revert to the previous build using this installer or zip file:
Since VU will try to update automatically, you can add -updateBranch none to its launch arguments to prevent it from doing so.
Thanks very much !
This is very helpful ! The download is version #19412, which is incompatible with about 20-30% servers currently. But that is fine so far, at least I could enter my own local server to play with Fun-Bots
My system is Win7SP1 too. Initially, I thought it was due to migration of Origin to EA app, because both migration and VU update (to 19968) happened at same time. After read this issue at GitHub, I understand it is the issue with Win7 incompatible with VU#19968. My Win7 system is merely for gaming, it is lean and fast, I am so hesitating to upgrade to Win10. Hope the new version of VU solve the compatibility issue !
Thanks very much indeed ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
We are indeed working on a fix for Windows 7. The only issue is that we can not fix hardware accelerated rendering for VU's UI in Windows 7 due to certain APIs whose are not implemented in Windows 7. I would advice you to upgrade to Windows 10/11 as Windows 7 is end of life since 2020.
Never gona happen, when win7 will be unusable switching to debian.
Have you think instead of fix, simply build vu with previous working UI and use only updates not related to UI. or Use vulkan (maybe opengl).
Well it's not that simple, we had to upgrade CEF to fix some long standing bugs in VU (we where running on a 3 years old Chromium build). Windows 7 does not support the NT Handles that DirectX 11.1 works with, these are used everywhere in the renderer of Chromium, not something we can patch out that easily...
Like I said in my previous comment, we will make sure VU at least renders the UI, but this will be without hardware acceleration until we find a better fix.
Moving forward, this should be the last Windows 7-specific fix/workaround that is deployed. Windows 7 has been around for over 10 years, with support ending in January 2020. It's almost 3 years after the official EOL where security and fixes have been stopped rolling out. In the future, upgrading to a supported version of Windows will be the way forward.
For everyone interested, there's a fix included in build 20037
There's currently a bug in 20037
that causes lag. A new build should roll out soonish that fixes that.
When running on Wine-GE we get a different error by the way:
[0601/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 0
[0601/] 0EB58700: set chrome proxy config service to 0EAFD100
[0601/] Could not get the download directory.
[0601/] MSM::InitializeMaybeAsync([this=0EAC2940])
[0601/] MDM::MediaDevicesManager()
[0601/] MSM::MediaStreamManager([this=0EAC2940]))
[0601/] DXVAVDA fatal error: could not LoadLibrary: msvproc.dll: Module not found. (0x7E)
[0601/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 0
[0601/] Failed configuring with PAC script, falling-back to manual proxy servers.
[0601/] 0EB59C00: set chrome proxy config service to 0EBDAB00
[0601/] Failed configuring with PAC script, falling-back to manual proxy servers.
[0601/] Failed to create image for buffer.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: No image found with the given ID
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_VALUE: no image associated with texture.
[0601/] Debug.cpp:180 (insertMessage): GL error: HIGH: Internal D3D11 error: HRESULT: 0x80004005: Unreachble code reached.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Internal D3D11 error: HRESULT: 0x80004005: Unreachble code reached.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Framebuffer is incomplete: Attachment has zero size.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: No image found with the given ID
[0601/] Available number of cores: 16
[0601/] Available number of cores: 16
[0601/] RFAOSF::Core() [process_id=5, frame_id=1]
[0601/] Document::DispatchUnloadEvents() URL = <null>
[0601/] Actually dispatching an UnloadEvent: URL = <null>
[0601/] RFAOSF::Core() [process_id=5, frame_id=1]
[0601/] Created context:
extension id: (none)
frame: 3C5226FC
context_type: WEB_PAGE
effective extension id: (none)
effective context type: WEB_PAGE
[0601/] Created context:
extension id: (none)
frame: 00000000
context_type: UNSPECIFIED
effective extension id: (none)
effective context type: UNSPECIFIED
[0601/] Num tracked contexts: 1
[0601/] NetworkDelegate::NotifyBeforeURLRequest:
[0601/] TlsClient: Continuing handshake
[0601/] TlsClient: Continuing handshake
[0601/] TlsClient: Continuing handshake
[0601/] TlsClient: Continuing handshake
[0601/] TlsClient: Continuing handshake
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: No image found with the given ID
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_VALUE: no image associated with texture.
[0601/] Debug.cpp:180 (insertMessage): GL error: HIGH: Internal D3D11 error: HRESULT: 0x80004005: Unreachble code reached.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Internal D3D11 error: HRESULT: 0x80004005: Unreachble code reached.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Framebuffer is incomplete: Attachment has zero size.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Draw framebuffer is incomplete
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: No image found with the given ID
[0601/] in "webui://main/#/", 3CB62A04:LayoutNGBlockFlow (positioned) DIV id='watermark' moved from "1240,26.6562 13.3438x51.3281" to "1196.38,26.6562 56.9688x50.6562" (visible from "1240,27 13x51" to "1196,27 57x51")
[0601/] in "webui://main/#/", viewport was 0.31543% impacted with distance fraction 0.034082 and subframe weighting factor 1
[0601/] in "webui://main/#/", layout shift of 0.000107505 reported; cumulative score is 0.000107505
[0601/] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED
[0601/] Unknown error -2146762482 mapped to net::ERR_FAILED
[0601/] TlsClient: Continuing handshake
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: No image found with the given ID
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_VALUE: no image associated with texture.
[0601/] Debug.cpp:180 (insertMessage): GL error: HIGH: Internal D3D11 error: HRESULT: 0x80004005: Unreachble code reached.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Internal D3D11 error: HRESULT: 0x80004005: Unreachble code reached.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Framebuffer is incomplete: Attachment has zero size.
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Draw framebuffer is incomplete
[0601/] [.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: No image found with the given ID
04bc:err:vulkan:open_shared_resource Failed to open video resource, status 0xc0000008.
04bc:err:vulkan:open_shared_resource Failed to open video resource, status 0xc0000008.
04bc:err:vulkan:open_shared_resource Failed to open video resource, status 0xc0000008.
04bc:err:vulkan:open_shared_resource Failed to open video resource, status 0xc0000008.
04bc:err:vulkan:open_shared_resource Failed to open video resource, status 0xc0000008.
04bc:err:vulkan:open_shared_resource Failed to open video resource, status 0xc0000008.
err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Memory allocation failed
err: Size: 9437184
err: Alignment: 131072
err: Mem types: 0,2,3,5
err: Heap Size (MiB) Allocated Used Reserved Budget
err: 0: 16022 16 0 0 15742
err: 1: 8192 16 1 12 4262
err: DxvkMemoryAllocator: Memory allocation failed
warn: D3D11Device::OpenSharedResourceGeneric: Failed to get shared resource info for a texture
warn: D3D11Buffer::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query
warn: 6f15aaf2-d208-4e89-9ab4-489535d34f9c
warn: D3D11: Cannot create render target view for a buffer
warn: D3D11: Cannot create render target view for a buffer
warn: D3D11: Cannot create render target view for a buffer
warn: D3D11: Cannot create render target view for a buffer
Here it seems to fail in
, this is with DxVK. Gonna have to search in CEF to find out what happens there
There seem to be issues with the new 19968 update in some cases. Multiple people report seeing an infinite loading screen, while it's supposed to show the main menu.
The issue seems to be related to an error in CEF:
Failed to allocate GPU memory