Venomalia / UniversalDynamicInput

a custom button pack for dolphin that supports over 150 games!
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Controller Profile Support #161

Closed blisstik closed 1 year ago

blisstik commented 1 year ago

What is your question?


On Xbox Series S, the GC games work since I am not using a custom profile. For many of the Wii games, I use a custom profile. I see the generated textures but it is not showing up.

Are custom profiles supported? Here is a Classic Controller profile I use

Device = WGInput/0/Xbox One Game Controller
Extension = Classic
Classic/Left Stick/Modifier/Range = 50.0
Classic/Right Stick/Modifier/Range = 50.0
Classic/Left Stick/Up = `Left Y+`
Classic/Left Stick/Down = `Left Y-`
Classic/Left Stick/Left = `Left X-`
Classic/Left Stick/Right = `Left X+`
Classic/Right Stick/Up = `Right Y+`
Classic/Right Stick/Down = `Right Y-`
Classic/Right Stick/Left = `Right X-`
Classic/Right Stick/Right = `Right X+`
Classic/Triggers/L-Analog = `Trigger L`
Classic/Triggers/R-Analog = `Trigger R`
Classic/Buttons/A = `Button B`
Classic/Buttons/B = `Button A`
Classic/Buttons/X = `Button Y`
Classic/Buttons/Y = `Button X`
Classic/Buttons/ZL = `Bumper L`
Classic/Buttons/ZR = `Bumper R`
Classic/D-Pad/Up = `Pad N`
Classic/D-Pad/Down = `Pad S`
Classic/D-Pad/Left = `Pad W`
Classic/D-Pad/Right = `Pad E`
Classic/Buttons/- = View
Classic/Buttons/+ = Menu
Classic/Buttons/Home = None
IR/Dead Zone = 9.0
IR/Relative Input = True
IR/Auto-Hide = True
IR/Up = `Right Y+`
IR/Down = `Right Y-`
IR/Left = `Right X-`
IR/Right = `Right X+`
IR/Hide = None
IR/Recenter = None
IR/Calibration = 98.45 98.18 92.67 95.58 102.75 101.20 95.21 94.43 97.73 100.73 103.41 104.08 98.37 92.11 92.11 91.17 93.81 100.59 102.80 109.54 102.25 104.83 100.55 101.80 99.40 100.90 106.61 114.13 111.24 110.34 101.95 98.24
D-Pad/Up = `Pad N`
D-Pad/Down = `Pad S`
D-Pad/Left = `Pad W`
D-Pad/Right = `Pad E`
Venomalia commented 1 year ago

48 should be related to this.

blisstik commented 1 year ago

Thank you.