VentureBlockMC / Arcadia-Survival

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Discord Linking | Ranks #17

Open inkdASCENSION opened 5 months ago

inkdASCENSION commented 5 months ago

Remove old ranks and add Patreon

inkdASCENSION commented 5 months ago

Removed the following Discord ID roles:

Added the following rank ID

inkdASCENSION commented 5 months ago

Updated lines 73-77 for experimental discord linking global vs server specific. As it stands now, players need to link their discord on each server they join, this should eliminate that and make the discord link 1 and done regardless of which server and link all server global.

Settings updated on: Aracadia, Sanctuary, ResourceWorld and Hub


Experiment_JdbcAccountLinkBackend: "jdbc:mysql://HOST:PORT/DATABASE?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false" Experiment_JdbcTablePrefix: "discordsrv" Experiment_JdbcUsername: "username" Experiment_JdbcPassword: "password" Pending server restart tonight 2/10/2024

inkdASCENSION commented 5 months ago

After applying fix patch for experimental global linking, discordSRV does not appear to be tracking chat and has a error in console, will revert back to default setting and contact Dev.

[10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] JDBC account link backend failed to initialize: [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] Caused by: CJCommunicationsException: Communications link failure [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server. [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] Caused by: SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [WARN] [DiscordSRV] Account link manager falling back to file backend [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Enabling Essentials hook [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Enabling LuckPerms hook [10.02 20:02:43] [Server] [INFO] [DiscordSRV] Enabling PlaceholderAPI hook

inkdASCENSION commented 5 months ago

UPDATED Discord is tracking

Testing global link