Verg-Avesta / CounTR

CounTR: Transformer-based Generalised Visual Counting
MIT License
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More flexible fine-tuning and testing, more logs, zero-shot demo, minimal run examples #39

Closed GioFic95 closed 9 months ago

GioFic95 commented 9 months ago



  1. You can enable (default) or disable data augmentation with the flags --do_aug and --no_do_aug;
  2. You can resume a training with the flag --do_resume (also resume the W&B run by providing the --wandb_id);
  3. More efficient computation of training metrics (MAE and RMSE);
  4. Validation during training, with MAE, RMSE and NAE (Normalized Average Error, i.e., $\frac{MAE}{\text{gt count}}$, as in;
  5. Logging of train and val metrics on W&B, plus updated images of the predictions and exemplars used for each image (as you can see in this report and in the images below);
  6. Model saving:
    1. save last model locally at each epoch, overwriting the previous one (finetuning_last);
    2. save locally AND on W&B every save_freq epochs or at the end of the training (finetuning_<epoch>);
    3. save locally AND on W&B if the validation MAE is the lowest (finetuning_minMAE);
  7. More flexibility on the training dataset by using the data_path from the command line argument in as in

image image



  1. More flexibility: you can test on the val split with the parameter --split;
  2. Log NAE, loading time and inference time as well as MAE and RMSE;
  3. Save better prediction images together with the exemplars used for each test image (particularly useful when using external exemplars), see examples here and in the images below;
  4. Log and plot test results with util.misc.log_test_results and misc.plot_test_results.

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Zero-shot demo



In this file I summarised how to finetune and test CounTR with the new parameters, with examples of commands and input images and configurations.