VergilGao / docker-mdc 的 docker镜像,帮助你更优雅的管理硬盘中的大姐姐们。
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群晖docker报Illegal instruction (core dumped) #77

Closed mingminghua closed 1 year ago

mingminghua commented 1 year ago

系统:群晖7 问题:docker通过命令测试成功,但是配置了实际的文件目录后,命令启动报错了,求解 日志如下: ---Setting umask to 002--- ---Taking ownership of data...--- Checking if config file exist Starting... []================= Movie Data Capture ================= [] 6.5.2
[]====================================================== [] - Linux-4.4.180+-x86_64-with [] - x86_64 - Python-3.10.10 []====================================================== [] - 严禁在墙内宣传本项目 - []====================================================== [+]Start at 2023-03-23 21:34:01 [+]Load Config file '/config/mdc.ini'. [+]Main Working mode ## 1: Scraping ## , nfo_skip_days=30 [+]Find 3748 movies. [*]====================================================== [!] - 0.02% [1/3748] - 21:34:06 [!] [HEYZO-1554] As Number Processing for '/data/2048论坛 -heyzo_hd_1554_full.mp4' [-]get_html_by_scraper() failed. HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /cn/search.php?kw_type=key&kw=HEYZO-1554 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f47e1ca7760>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) Illegal instruction (core dumped)

VergilGao commented 1 year ago
