Vergo777 / Kissanime-LinkDownload

Downloads direct batch links for Kissanime episodes
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Opening but quickly closing. #1

Closed mysticpoisen closed 9 years ago

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Hey, I'm not sure if this is where I should post this, but your tool is exactly what I've been looking for. But, I can't get it to work. I put the .exe and text file in their own folder. However whenever I try to run the program, it opens a command prompt writes two or three lines and closes before I get a chance to read them. I've tried redownloading them, running as administrator, changing the text file to put in a link, but nothing works. You are my hero if this works.

Edit: It seems to be writing that I need Java, which I do have installed. I'm out of Ideas

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

Hmm, I won't have a chance to look at this properly for a couple of days but in the meantime could you check and tell me which version of Java you have installed? This app was compiled using Java 7 so if your version is older you could try updating that and see whether that gets it to work -

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I'm using Java 7 update 72. Java 8 was causing issues with some of my other programs.I'll try reinstalling.

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Alright, I've figured it out, You need to have 32-bit java installed. I just had 64-bit, for my 64-bit system.

Edit: Perhaps not, the program now crashes after selecting quality. I would love to get you the exact error but it closes too quickly for me to get it.

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

Ah, I suspect that's because the format in which the quality is specified on the actual anime page is different to how I hardcoded the usual ones (720p, 480p etc). When it asks you to specify the video quality could you try option 7 (the custom video quality one) and see how that goes?

I didn't really spend much time on this being user friendly because I never imagined anyone would actually use it, sorry about that >_<

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

No worries, I'm just glad it exists. Unfortunately the same thing happens. You wanted me to enter the resolution that it says on the download link at the bottom right?

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

Yep, the resolution is what you have to enter. Could you link me to the kissanime page of the series you're trying to download? I'll give it a go myself and see what the issue is.

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Thanks, although from the split second glimpses of error I think it's still on my end. Working on getting a full error log.

Edit: My cmd /k trick didn't work, still closed immediately, sorry.

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

Right, I'm having the same issue too so I suspect that the issue is that the layout of the Kissanime pages has changed since I last updated this (which was a fair while ago now). I'll take a look at this in the next couple of days and push out an update that gets it working with the current KA format!

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much, this really is a great tool for me, I'm surprised nobody else seems to have stumbled onto it.

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

Turns out that I only needed to make one small change to get it working. Grab the latest release from here -

Give it a go and tell me if it works now :D

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

It works! At least for the 2nd mode. The full series still crashes it for some reason. I thought it might have been because of the sheer size of Fairy Tail, but even just a 14 episode series crashes it.

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

Ahhhh forgot to change one of the lines where the function was used again, silly me. I'll upload another release, sorry about that ;_;

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

No worries, you are so great for making this. I am eternally grateful.

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Also it's worth noting that Chrome flags your zip file as malicious. It's clearly not, but I would send an email to somebody over at chrome asking them to fix that.

Vergo777 commented 9 years ago

New version -

There's a problem with the URL shortener for longer series that I mentioned in the release post, I'll get around to fixing that later. As for the chrome thing I think it's default behaviour for an executable file, I'll see what I can do about that.

mysticpoisen commented 9 years ago

Thank you so much.