Verified-Intelligence / auto_LiRPA

auto_LiRPA: An Automatic Linear Relaxation based Perturbation Analysis Library for Neural Networks and General Computational Graphs
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auto Lirpa on other domains than Lp balls ? #30

Closed mducoffe closed 1 year ago

mducoffe commented 2 years ago

Hi and thank you for this great library !

I was wondering it auto Lirpa could be applied on other domains than Lp balls on minibatches ? For example hyper-rectangles ?

Thank you for your time !

shizhouxing commented 1 year ago

Hi @mducoffe ,

Yes, hyper-rectangles are supported and you may still use PerturbationLpNorm, by:

ptb = PerturbationLpNorm(x_L=x_L, x_U=x_U)

where x_L and x_U are lower and upper bounds for the hyper-rectangle.

And other perturbations may be added by creating a new perturbation class.