Verified-Intelligence / auto_LiRPA

auto_LiRPA: An Automatic Linear Relaxation based Perturbation Analysis Library for Neural Networks and General Computational Graphs
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How is BoundedModule.split_nodes initialized? #69

Closed nhamlv-55 closed 1 month ago

nhamlv-55 commented 3 months ago

I am trying to understand this function

The code is iterating over self.split_nodes, which is not initialized anywhere. I noticed that because when I run auto-LiRPA on my code, the code crashes and says that split_nodes does not exist. The only other places where I can see it is in , but the function get_split_nodes() is not called anywhere.

Could someone please explain how it works?

shizhouxing commented 2 months ago

Hi @nhamlv-55 , it is supposed to be used by alpha-beta-CROWN. If you want to use beta-CROWN, you need to enter the code from the alpha-beta-CROWN repository, not just auto_LiRPA.