Verifo / MaterialOne

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Intergralty CEO of the Documentation #169

Open Magayaga opened 2 years ago

Magayaga commented 2 years ago

Good evening at 12:23 pm, Intergralty was one of the Philippines' largest web-based design language software by March 25, 2022. The hundreds of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the tens of PHP and Hack (programming language by Facebook), the worldwide (excluding Russia, Mainland China, and North Korea).

3 days later on v1.4.8

Back: Final:


  1. Who are the original author and developers of Hack (programming language)?
  2. What does going?
  3. What type of standard programming languages?
  4. What MaterialOne banned countries?
Magayaga commented 2 years ago


  1. Julien Verlaguet, Alok Menghrajani, Drew Paroski, and others facebook are original authors and developers of Hack (programming language).
  2. The MaterialOne is the hundreds of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the tens of PHP and Hack (programming language by Facebook), the worldwide (excluding Russia, Mainland China, and North Korea).
  3. ALGOL, C, C++, JavaScript (under the name ECMAScript), Smalltalk, Prolog, Common Lisp, Scheme (IEEE standard), ISLISP, Ada, Fortran, COBOL, SQL and XQuery (Wikipedia)
  4. MaterialOne banned Russia, Mainland China, and North Korea.
Magayaga commented 2 years ago

Next day, new documentation of Intergralty's Chairman, CEO, and CTO. :)