VeritoneAlpha / spark-job-rest

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1)Add jar manager;2)Add jars when POST job rather than POST context. #4

Closed Sephiroth-Lin closed 9 years ago

Sephiroth-Lin commented 9 years ago
  1. User can sent jar to server from local by RESTful API, and in server will store this jar. Usages: POST /jar/?jarName={jarName}&storePath={storePathInServer}&replace={true/false} (PS: replace has default value true, means will replace the old jar with same jarName, it is a option parameter) GET /jar (PS: get all jars store in server) DELETE /jar/{jarName}
  2. For create context, user can create as before or use jars name in new way. For example: POST /context/{contextName} jars="appJarName:dependenceJarName" (PS: need add appJarName and dependenceJarName before) fullPath=false In this way will get jars full path auto use jars name
raduchilom commented 9 years ago

@Sephiroth-Lin we need to chat about the JarManager. We want to implement one, but not with a dynamic classloader. Can we have a skype call in order to talk about this ?

Sephiroth-Lin commented 9 years ago

@raduchilom yes, with a dynamic classloader may be not reasonable, but if we not do this, then we can not reload a jar if the jar has updated.

raduchilom commented 9 years ago

I have several reasons why we shouldn't add a dynamic classloader. One of them is that with the implementation you provided, you cannot reload a jar at runtime(of the context). So you still need to recreate your context. So my guess is that we should add JarManager but without the classloader. If you want to talk more about this my skype id is: raduchilom