VersBinarii / bme280-rs

A platform agnostic Rust driver for the Bosch BM[PE]-280
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Fixed SPI for sync implementation #28

Open wiktorwieclaw opened 1 year ago

wiktorwieclaw commented 1 year ago

This PR fixes SPI communication for sync implementation of the BME280 driver. I didn't fix async impl, because I couldn't get it to compile. I'd need to be investigate the problem first and I don't have much time right now. @VersBinarii try to run cargo b --features=async and let me know what you get.

I also upgraded stm32f4xx_hal dev-dependency because I build anything due to conflicts

Related issues


Tested on stm32f446re and bmp280

let sck = gpiob.pb10.into_alternate();
let miso = gpioc.pc2.into_alternate();
let mosi = gpioc.pc1.into_alternate();
let cs = gpioc.pc3.into_push_pull_output();
let reset = gpioc.pc0.into_push_pull_output();

let spi = device
    .spi((sck, miso, mosi), embedded_hal::spi::MODE_0, 8.MHz(), &clocks);

let device = embedded_hal::spi::blocking::ExclusiveDevice::new(spi, cs);
let mut bme = BME280::new(device).unwrap();
bme.init(&mut delay).unwrap();
let m = bme.measure(&mut delay).unwrap();
defmt::println!("{}", defmt::Debug2Format(&m));


Measurements { temperature: 26.200403, pressure: 100920.3, humidity: 0.0

Note: Humidity == 0.0 to be expected, bmp280 doesn't support it.