Versent / saml2aws

CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
MIT License
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Compatibility with Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD) #146

Open csghuser opened 6 years ago

csghuser commented 6 years ago

Has anyone switched to using Azure AD to provide single sign on and managed to get this working?

For reference the guide is here:

Is it possible with the current code or would an additional provider have to be written?

davidobrien1985 commented 6 years ago

@wolfeidau would need to correct me, but I believe there would need to be some extra code that needed to be written. Especially because the AAD prompt needs to be caught by a screenscraper essentially.

ashemedai commented 6 years ago

Hi, I got an interest in getting this working. Is there anything aside from the pkg/providers that I need to work on to get it working?

I assume calling it waad is good enough or do we prefer azuread?

davidobrien1985 commented 6 years ago

Either azuread or aad, my preference would be the former.

ashemedai commented 6 years ago

Just a small heads up: working on this a small bit at a time. Working on the scraper at the moment.

tomcroll commented 6 years ago

I'm interested in contributing. Please let me know fi you managed to make any progress and if I can help.

ashemedai commented 6 years ago

@tomcroll Thanks for the offer. I'll try to submit a first PR next week. Was sidetracked with some SessionDuration custom claim and other work stuff.

brettneese commented 6 years ago

@ashemedai did you get anywhere with this? :) I was about to hack this together until I saw this issue so happy to help if I can.

ashemedai commented 6 years ago

@brettneese @tomcroll Hi,sorry, been awfully derailed by many other things that wound up on my plate.

Put the small amount of code up at so I at least don't block other people who can work on it.

brettneese commented 6 years ago

totally understandable! :) thanks for posting that.

st33v commented 5 years ago

has anyone been able to get this working? I'm totally stuck.

ghost commented 5 years ago

just seeing if there has been any progress on this ?

jaxxstorm commented 5 years ago

If anyone sees this, I am happy to sponsor the development of this feature - please contact me.

rdkls commented 5 years ago

There's also this - however I (currently) can't get it to run non-interactively. Would love to just keep using saml2aws though.

paihu commented 4 years ago

Hello I wrote the support of AaureAD. It seems to work for my AzureAD tenant but I could not test other environments.

pysysops commented 4 years ago

I seem to get a login webpage returned 🤔along with:

DEBU[0010] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0011] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
Response did not contain a valid SAML assertion
Please check your username and password is correct

@paihu - are you able to share with us the expected config for saml2aws with AzureAD? Don't seem to be able to find any documentation for it.

Thanks, Tim.

pysysops commented 4 years ago

I was being lazy I think:

howdoicomputer commented 4 years ago

Does this work for people? I haven't been able to get it to work.

jessechahal commented 4 years ago

Just got it working a couple of minutes ago following I had to setup 2-factor auth using the microsoft authenticator app

howdoicomputer commented 4 years ago

Hm, I have the Authenticator app and have setup 2-factor auth. I followed the documentation but no dice. I created this issue as a result.

benoahriz commented 4 years ago

having the same issue here... seems like it might be related to this ideas?

when doing a DUMP in my case I am seeing the same thing. All calls look correct but after you type in the OTP the response is Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded not json

giuliocalzolari commented 4 years ago

if any golang guru want to help me I did a python version to solve this problem, would be awesome to have as part of saml2aws

trentondyck commented 3 years ago

Doesn't work for me either. I tried so many combinations but I run into "unable to locate IDP oidc form submit URL" Also tried so many versions, 2.23.0, 2.27.1, 2.26.1.

For those wondering how to find APP ID and URL (Since its not clear in the parent