Versent / saml2aws

CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
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re: GovCloud Support - JumpCloud #187

Closed mr-brody closed 4 years ago

mr-brody commented 6 years ago


This is similar to closed issue:

I'm unable to authenticate against AWS GovCloud using JumpCloud and saml2aws. Authenticating via a browser works without issue. I see that there is a similar message in the aforementioned close issue as well with what I believe is a similar use case.

The debug output shows the following without the account# sanitized: Selected role: arn:aws-us-gov:iam::<ACCT#>:role/my-role Requesting AWS credentials using SAML assertion InvalidIdentityToken: Specified provider doesn't exist (Service: AWSOpenIdDiscoveryService; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AuthSamlManifestNotFoundException; Request ID: 6a04524e-7641-11e8-8430-23423423423432a) status code: 400, request id: 6a00cfd1-7641-11e8-a7cb-41b0c078a475 error retrieving STS credentials using SAML /Users/markw/Code/go/src/ /Users/markw/Code/go/src/ main.main /Users/markw/Code/go/src/ runtime.main /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.10/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go:198 runtime.goexit /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.10/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361 error logging into aws role using saml assertion /Users/markw/Code/go/src/ main.main /Users/markw/Code/go/src/ runtime.main /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.10/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go:198 runtime.goexit /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.10/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2361

[my-role] url = username = provider = JumpCloud mfa = Auto skip_verify = false timeout = 0 aws_urn = urn:amazon:webservices:govcloud aws_session_duration = 3600

Thanks in advance for your help.

mr-brody commented 6 years ago

I've been testing out my configuration with debugs and can see the IdP is successfully passing back the assertion, metadata looks good.

I copied the assertion, replaced the encoded characters '+' with a '+' and passed it directly into the AWS call 'sts assume role' and I am returned temp creds.

My hunch is that saml2aws is sending the assertion to the commercial endpoint rather than the govcloud one. Also, looking at the previous commits I may have missed it but didn't find any changes to JumpCloud configurations.

wolfeidau commented 6 years ago

@mr-brody do know of any docs on how to use the AWS SDK with Gov Cloud, I am guessing you need to ensure regions are correctly configured.

You have highlighted that I should also plumb the AWS SDK verbose output into my logger to make debugging this easier, I will add a ticket.

mr-brody commented 6 years ago

Hi @wolfeidau --- thanks for looking into this.

I am pretty familiar with the AWS SDK, cli, etc as I used to work at AWS. At this point though, I am not getting back temporary cred to use the sdk.

Referencing the AWS docs, here's where the error appears to be: "The client app calls the AWS STS AssumeRoleWithSAML API, passing the ARN of the SAML provider, the ARN of the role to assume, and the SAML assertion from IdP."

Using the AWS CLI and the JumpCloud console work fine so I suspect there might be an issue with the JumpCloud provider configuration in saml2aws not using the govcloud endpoint. I had default creds pointing to the gov cloud region when manually testing from the CLI( [default] region = us-gov-west-1).

Was hoping to get debugs on where the saml2aws client is posting the assertion to confirm my suspicions...presuming my configurations in the tail of the first message I sent are accurately defined.

mr-brody commented 6 years ago

Replying back to my previous comment --- after t-shooting this a bit more, I can confirm the suspicion that like assertion is not being sent to the govcloud endpoint. In order to test, I used environment variables: export AWS_REGION=us-gov-west-1

Expected behavior: Defining a region with a named profile within ~/.saml2aws should respect the region. Specifying the urn and/or defining a region variable does not work for govcloud. The SAML assertion should go to this endpoint in govcloud:

Observed behavior: All SAML assertions go to commercial endpoint when using saml2aws(using Jumpcloud IDaaS:

Any help here is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any additional info.

nimbius commented 4 years ago

@wolfeidau @mr-brody I am experiencing a similar problem with govcloud. the STS endpoint is listed here:

To clarify, this is not a jumpcloud issue, as I am reproducing it in ADFS

mr-brody commented 4 years ago

Hi @nimbius - I left a comment in this post -> It looks like there is a new-ish feature to pass in a region flag into the ~/.saml2aws file:

I tested with Okta initially but have also tested with JumpCloud and both work. Hope this helps and I think it is safe to close this one out.

url                  = <my-url>
username             =
provider             = Okta
mfa                  = Auto
skip_verify          = false
timeout              = 0
aws_urn              = urn:amazon:webservices:govcloud
aws_session_duration = 43200
aws_profile          = gov-profile
resource_id          =
subdomain            =
role_arn             =
region               = **us-gov-west-1**