Versent / saml2aws

CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
MIT License
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Receiving "error authenticating to IdP: unable to locate SAMLRequest URL" error with AAD #930

Open mpietihsm opened 1 year ago

mpietihsm commented 1 year ago

I have tried setting up saml2aws with Azure AD as the IdP according to the instructions here, to no avail.

My config is listed below, with some sensitive details ***ed out.

account { AppID: ********-****-****-****-da8b60c0d592 URL: Username: ****@***.com Provider: AzureAD MFA: PhoneAppNotification SkipVerify: false AmazonWebservicesURN: urn:amazon:webservices SessionDuration: 3600 Profile: saml2aws_test RoleARN: Region: }

I get the MFA prompt on my phone and everything appears to be moving along, but then I get the error "error authenticating to IdP: unable to locate SAMLRequest URL"

I am on the latest version of saml2aws (2.36.2), but have also tried reverting to previous versions to no avail. Here is the output of verbose logging:

DEBU[0000] Running                                       command=login
DEBU[0000] Check if creds exist.                         command=login
DEBU[0000] Expand                                        name=/home/griff/.aws/credentials pkg=awsconfig
DEBU[0000] resolveSymlink                                name=/mnt/c/Users/mpiet/.aws/credentials pkg=awsconfig
DEBU[0000] ensureConfigExists                            filename=/mnt/c/Users/mpiet/.aws/credentials pkg=awsconfig
Using IdP Account default to access AzureAD
To use saved password just hit enter.
? Username ****@****.com
? Password **********************

DEBU[0004] building provider                             command=login idpAccount="account {\n  AppID: ********-****-****-****-da8b60c0d592\n  URL:\n  Username: ****@****.com\n  Provider: AzureAD\n  MFA: PhoneAppNotification\n  SkipVerify: false\n  AmazonWebservicesURN: urn:amazon:webservices\n  SessionDuration: 3600\n  Profile: saml\n  RoleARN: \n  Region: \n}"
Authenticating as ****@****.com ...
DEBU[0005] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0005] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0005] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0007] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
Phone approval required.
DEBU[0007] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0007] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0008] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0008] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0009] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0010] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0011] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0011] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0011] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0011] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0011] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0011] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0011] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0011] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
unable to locate SAMLRequest URL
Error authenticating to IdP.
aflatto commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue.

azdanielna commented 1 year ago

Running into same issue here as well.

aflatto commented 1 year ago

Just tried again with V 2.27.1 and still the same error: Phone approval required. error authenticating to IdP: unable to locate SAMLRequest URL

shanukova commented 1 year ago

Any updates on fixing this issue?

wtfiwtz commented 1 year ago

This relates to changes on the Microsoft side for Conditional Access. If you dig into it more, you might find you need to expose a browser window to the user, particularly for things like Client-side certificates. Have a look at aws-runas version 3.5 and above as an alternative -

It might take some time to update saml2aws to support this.

Here's some testing I did below... (eventually using Burp Suite as a proxy to review the browser traffic flow setting HTTPS_PROXY=...)

diff --git a/pkg/provider/aad/aad.go b/pkg/provider/aad/aad.go
index 0c26070..34506b1 100644
--- a/pkg/provider/aad/aad.go
+++ b/pkg/provider/aad/aad.go
@@ -681,6 +681,7 @@ func (ac *Client) Authenticate(loginDetails *creds.LoginDetails) (string, error)
        return samlAssertion, errors.Wrap(err, "error retrieving login results")
    passwordLoginRequest.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+   passwordLoginRequest.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")
    res, err = ac.client.Do(passwordLoginRequest)
    if err != nil {
        return samlAssertion, errors.Wrap(err, "error retrieving login results")
@@ -696,6 +697,9 @@ func (ac *Client) Authenticate(loginDetails *creds.LoginDetails) (string, error)
    isEnabledConditonalAccess := strings.HasPrefix(resBodyStr, "<html><head><title>Working...</title>") && strings.Contains(resBodyStr, "name=\"flowtoken\"")

+   fmt.Printf("isSkippedMFA: %b\n", isSkippedMFA);
+   fmt.Printf("isEnabledConditionalAccess: %b\n", isEnabledConditonalAccess);
+   fmt.Printf("Body:\n\n%s\n\n******\n\n", resBodyStr);
    if isSkippedMFA || isEnabledConditonalAccess {
        // require reprocess
        if strings.Contains(resBodyStr, "<form") {
@@ -745,6 +749,7 @@ func (ac *Client) Authenticate(loginDetails *creds.LoginDetails) (string, error)
        authSubmitURL = action

+   fmt.Printf("authSubmitURL: %s\n", authSubmitURL);
    if authSubmitURL == "" {
        return samlAssertion, fmt.Errorf("unable to locate IDP oidc form submit URL")
@@ -755,6 +760,7 @@ func (ac *Client) Authenticate(loginDetails *creds.LoginDetails) (string, error)

    req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+   req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")

    res, err = ac.client.Do(req)
@@ -772,6 +778,7 @@ func (ac *Client) Authenticate(loginDetails *creds.LoginDetails) (string, error)

    // data is embedded javascript
    // window.location = 'https:/..../?SAMLRequest=......'
+   fmt.Printf("oidcResponseStr: %s\n", oidcResponseStr);
    oidcResponseList := strings.Split(oidcResponseStr, ";")
    var SAMLRequestURL string
    for _, v := range oidcResponseList {

saml2aws CA issue

christianmeyer commented 1 year ago

check the fix in #795, I remember having that fixed back then - we use the patched version in production since >2y without (new) issues (

aflatto commented 1 year ago

I just tried it with you older version and still getting the error:

DEBU[0045] reached an unknown page within the authentication process provider=AzureAD failed get SAMLAssertion*Client).Authenticate main.main runtime.main runtime/proc.go:255 runtime.goexit runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581 Error authenticating to IdP. main.main runtime.main runtime/proc.go:255 runtime.goexit runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581

gbarna-bd commented 1 year ago

Similarly, I get reached an unknown page within the authentication process. Using saml2aws 2.36.6.

johnniee commented 1 year ago

Facing the same issue here as well.

djtecha commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. Not sure if it helps but we are using a tenant ID username = meee@{tenant_id}

githublloyd commented 2 months ago

issue still present I believe.

SAML2AWS version: 2.36.8

Testing my Azure Enterprise Application Single Sign On via Azure console is successful. The certificate is also Active and the XML metadata uploaded the the AWS IAM Identity Provider SAML type.


`DEBU[0000] Running                                       command=login
DEBU[0000] Check if creds exist.                         command=login
DEBU[0000] Expand                                        name=/home/user/.aws/credentials pkg=awsconfig
DEBU[0000] resolveSymlink                                name=/home/user/.aws/credentials pkg=awsconfig
DEBU[0000] ensureConfigExists                            filename=/home/user/.aws/credentials pkg=awsconfig
Using IdP Account default to access AzureAD
To use saved password just hit enter.
? Username
? Password *********

DEBU[0003] building provider                             command=login idpAccount="account {\n  AppID: XXXXXXXXX-64f6-4929-85e8-XXXXXXXXXXXX\n  URL:\n  Username:\n  Provider: AzureAD\n  MFA: PhoneAppOTP\n  SkipVerify: false\n  AmazonWebservicesURN: urn:amazon:webservices\n  SessionDuration: 3600\n  Profile: default\n  RoleARN: \n  Region: \n}"
Authenticating as ...
DEBU[0004] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0004] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0004] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0004] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
? Enter verification code 794437
DEBU[0014] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0014] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0014] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0014] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0014] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0014] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
DEBU[0014] HTTP Req                                      URL="" http=client method=POST
DEBU[0016] HTTP Res                                      Status="200 OK" http=client
unable to locate SAMLRequest URL
Error authenticating to IdP.