VersoSolutions / CordovaClipboard

Clipboard management plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap
MIT License
144 stars 257 forks source link

Any plan to move plugin to npm #11

Open writeosahon opened 9 years ago

writeosahon commented 9 years ago

Hello @VersoSolutions . Corodova have announced that all plugins should be prepared to move to npm (read

Please, hope you're making plans to move as well? Your plugin is very very important to thousands of developers.


bau720123 commented 9 years ago

+1 according to this

dcousens commented 9 years ago

+1, @VersoSolutions please move to npm as soon as possible :)

dcousens commented 9 years ago

bump @VersoSolutions

dcousens commented 9 years ago

This has [looks like it has] been published as cordova-plugin-clipboard.

@VersoSolutions if you could please update the README, that'd be great.

dcousens commented 9 years ago

Bump @ctrevisan

bau720123 commented 9 years ago

hi @dcousens a little strange is the npm version fork by @VersoSolutions ?

because in the npm page it have the "setText" and "getText" method,and seem it is a "BlackBerry" version

but in @VersoSolutions version it use "copy" and paste method,and it have android ios wp8

I think...them are not the same

dcousens commented 9 years ago

@bau720123 you are correct, I just got around to testing this, and probably shouldn't have mentioned that without actually testing.

writeosahon commented 9 years ago

It looks to me like @VersoSolutions have abandoned this repository/plugin because there's been no response from them ever since. If your project is seriously dependent on this plugin, I advise you download / clone it to your desktop and add it to your cordova projects locally.

dcousens commented 9 years ago

Shall we fork?

lucasfeliciano commented 9 years ago

@dcousens, do you know if some one already forked and published in npm? If no, I'm looking forward to do so

writeosahon commented 9 years ago

@dcousens @lucasfeliciano if we fork, who will be responsible for active maintenance of the plugin??

lucasfeliciano commented 9 years ago

I could do that, but the problem is that I know almost nothing about objective c so that might be a problem for maintain it.

dcousens commented 9 years ago

@writeosahon I'm able to debug and perform some maintenance, however going forward as things change, its likely I would need contributor support for devices/platforms I can't test on.

writeosahon commented 9 years ago

@lucasfeliciano @dcousens ok guys!! in that case, go ahead and fork. Please leave a comment with a link to the fork in this thread so people interested can easily locate your fork and use it.

Thanks guys

AllSeeingEye commented 9 years ago

I've published to NPM as "cordova-universal-clipboard":

Please make pull requests to the repo:

where we'll try to maintain the plugin.

bau720123 commented 9 years ago

thanks @AllSeeingEye