VerySleepy / verysleepy

Very Sleepy, a sampling CPU profiler for Windows
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.05k stars 103 forks source link

Doesn't seem to support the VC140 compiler #28

Closed krasi0 closed 3 years ago

krasi0 commented 8 years ago

The function names are not resolved...

CyberShadow commented 8 years ago

Can you build and upload a test program?

itscool commented 8 years ago

To get function names resolved:

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

As there has been no reply for 10 months, I'm closing this issue. Please post a message if you think this should be reopened.

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Set to "Optimize for debugging (/DEBUG)" instead of "Optimize for faster linking (/FASTLINK)"

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue either way.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

hi @CyberShadow , I guess vs2015 has a link optimize, see

In VS2017, I found I have to set Linker->Debugging->Generate Debug Info to "Generate Debug Information optimized for sharing and publishing (/DEBUG:FULL)", else I can't read all symbol names in PDB files with DIASDK(

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

I've tried compiling with /DEBUG and /DEBUG:FASTLINK using Visual Studio 2015 and I can see symbols either way. Visual Studio 2017 RC crashes on startup for me.

Could you provide instructions on how to compile a program with symbols that Very Sleepy can't read? Preferably from the command line (see e.g.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

please try: cl /MD /Z7 a.cpp /link /DEBUG:FASTLINK

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that works.

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed, can you try the latest build?

heroboy commented 7 years ago

When I click the process that previously was not working, sleepy stop responding. Here is the stack trace when it is not responding.

>   dbghelpms.dll!SymCachePdb::fRegisterPDBMappings(void)   Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!SymCachePdb::ModCache::LoadTypes(void)    Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!SymCachePdb::ModCache::GetType(unsigned long,bool)    Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!SymbolDataSimpleImpl<1028,26>::getData(struct SYMTYPE *,unsigned int,struct SymRowImage *,class GetTheData &) Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!SymbolDataGeneralImpl<struct PROCSYM32,4423>::getData(struct SYMTYPE *,unsigned int,struct SymRowImage *,class GetTheData &)  Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!CSymIdTrav::get(class CSymRow &)  Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!CDiaSession::ReturnOneObject<class CDiaSymbol,class CSymRow,struct IDiaSymbol>(class CDiaSymbol *,class CTraversal<class CSymRow> *,struct IDiaSymbol * *)    Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!CDiaSession::getSymbol(struct SYMBOL_ID_INTERNAL *,struct IDiaSymbol * *) Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!CDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParent(struct IDiaSymbol * *)  Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!diaGetFpoFromAddr(struct _MODULE_ENTRY *,unsigned __int64,int *)  Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!LookupFunctionEntryX86(void *,struct _MODULE_ENTRY *,unsigned __int64)    Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!SymFunctionTableAccess64AccessRoutines() Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!DbhStackServices::GetFunctionEntry(unsigned __int64,void *,unsigned long) Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!DbsX86StackUnwinder::DoUnwindUsingInternalContext(struct DbsStackUnwinder::PreviousFrameSummary const &,struct DbsStackUnwinder::AbstractContext const &,struct DbsStackUnwinder::FrameSummary *) Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!DbsX86StackUnwinder::UnwindAndUpdateInternalContext(struct DbsStackUnwinder::AbstractContext const &,struct DbsStackUnwinder::PreviousFrameSummary const &)   Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!DbsStackUnwinder::DoDbhUnwind(struct _tagSTACKFRAME64 *,unsigned long,void *,unsigned long,void *)    Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!DbsStackUnwinder::DbhUnwind(struct _tagSTACKFRAME64 *,unsigned long,void *,unsigned long,void *)  Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!PickX86Walk(class DbsStackUnwinder *,class DbhStackServices *,struct _tagSTACKFRAME64 *,void *)   Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!PickX86Walk(class DbsStackUnwinder *,class DbhStackServices *,struct _tagSTACKFRAME64 *,void *)   Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!StackWalkEx()    Unknown
    dbghelpms.dll!StackWalk64()    Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014001cb59()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400796af()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014007a70c()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014007a2de()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400606eb()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b2208()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b6584()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b61a3()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b70fd()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b64d5()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b6d43()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140150630()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401311c6()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401337c8()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140137328()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca1c24()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca125e()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca0ff5()   Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7f4dd6() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7941a8() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7f5ae9() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce94a3cf() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce94a51f() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce83398c() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7f96a4() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7f6582() Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca1c24()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca17bb()   Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7e87c0() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7e88da() Unknown
    comctl32.dll!00007ffdce7e8662() Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca1c24()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca17bb()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140130584()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401337e0()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140150e48()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140137328()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca1c24()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca156c()   Unknown
    user32.dll!00007ffdd9ca42ff()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140132ddf()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!0000000140132c17()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401ab52f()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401ab582()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401ab334()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400d70be()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400d72b5()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014006c627()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014006ac37()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014006c1e0()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014006a27c()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014006bc8d()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400d7229()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400d70ac()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400d72b5()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001400b3031()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!00000001401071ab()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014019735e()   Unknown
    sleepy.exe!000000014007ea89()   Unknown
    kernel32.dll!00007ffdd7ab8364() Unknown
    ntdll.dll!00007ffdda2c70d1()    Unknown
CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Are you trying to attach to an existing process? What about launching a new process from Sleepy, does that work?

How can I reproduce this?

heroboy commented 7 years ago

Could you download this: And click "a.exe" in sleepy process list, then sleepy will stop responding. But other exe is working.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

Lauching a.exe in sleepy, and click "Stop", it show "Waiting for symbol query to start...". And cancel button is not working.

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Could you download this:

Link doesn't seem to work.

I think that if you put it in a .zip file, you can just attach it here, on GitHub.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Everything works fine here... :/ Windows 10 x64

heroboy commented 7 years ago

Sorry it doesn't work for me. Windows 10 x64 too. If I rename the a.pdb or compile without fastlink, it will not hang. Looks like there is an infinity loop in SymCachePdb::fRegisterPDBMappings(void).

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

There might be a problem with your symbol settings. Check your symbol paths and try disabling using the symbol server.

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

BTW, if it actually gets stuck in that function (and it's not just Very Sleepy calling that function in a loop), then the problem is in Microsoft's dbghelp.dll...

heroboy commented 7 years ago

I already tried disable the use symbol server in options Just before it hand, it print "DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: ;D:\temp"

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Can you check whether the infinite loop occurs in Very Sleepy code, or in dbghelp code?

You can do this by building Very Sleepy from source code, then placing a breakpoint on the StackWalk64 call in profiler.cpp.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

Yes, I am sure it's in dbghelp code. StackWalk64(Actually SymCachePdb::fRegisterPDBMappings(void)) never returns. I made a very simple program to test it with removing all wxWidget codes.

int main()
    if (!dbgHelpInit())
        printf("dbghelp error\n");
        return 0;

    std::vector<ProcessInfo> pInfos;
    for (auto& info : pInfos)
        if (info.getName() == L"a.exe")
            SymbolInfo si;
            si.loadSymbols(info.getProcessHandle(), false);
            std::map<CallStack, SAMPLE_TYPE> callstacks;
            std::map<PROFILER_ADDR, SAMPLE_TYPE> flatcounts;
            Profiler p(info.getProcessHandle(),info.threads[0].getThreadHandle(),callstacks,flatcounts);
            p.sampleTarget(0.0, &si);
    return 0;
CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Do you know if it only happens with the version of dbghelp.dll (dbghelpms.dll) shipped with Very Sleepy? Maybe it's a bug with that specific version.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

I use Process Explorer to view a.exe's thread callstack, it stop responding too.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

I had tried many dbghelp.dll, 32bit/64bit, in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\dbghelp.dll, in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\dbghelp.dll. Either it doesn't resolve the symbol names or stop responding.

heroboy commented 7 years ago

I tried adding

BOOL (WINAPI *SymEnumSymbols)(
        _In_           HANDLE                         hProcess,
        _In_           ULONG64                        BaseOfDll,
        _In_opt_       PCTSTR                         Mask,
        _In_           PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACK EnumSymbolsCallback,
        _In_opt_ const PVOID                          UserContext
    BOOL (WINAPI *SymEnumTypes)(
        _In_     HANDLE                         hProcess,
        _In_     ULONG64                        BaseOfDll,
        _In_     PSYM_ENUMERATESYMBOLS_CALLBACK EnumSymbolsCallback,
        _In_opt_ PVOID                          UserContext

in class DbgHelp. And nothing enumerated when it is built with fastlink. Did you see the a.exe!foo function in verysleepy?

CyberShadow commented 7 years ago

And nothing enumerated when it is built with fastlink.

Strange... I am out of ideas. I guess this is a MS DbgHelp bug.

I don't know if it would help since it doesn't seem to depend on any other components, but maybe you could try installing the latest Windows SDK. The version this DbgHelp is from is 10.0.14393.0.

Did you see the a.exe!foo function in verysleepy?



heroboy commented 7 years ago

Hi, please see the last comment posted by Alex Postlethwaite . Maybe it is the same issue.

CyberShadow commented 3 years ago

Could you please see if this issue occurs with the latest release:

As the latest release includes many fixes, it's likely that this particular problem was fixed as well. If you encounter further problems, please leave a comment or open a new issue. Thanks!