VetoProjects / VetoLC

A Live Coding Environment for AudioPython, QML and GLSL(also rudimentary Python IDE capabilities)
MIT License
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Make audio work platform-independently #1

Open hellerve opened 9 years ago

hellerve commented 9 years ago

Due to a not-compliant Audio IO processor, all sound-related things only work in Windows. This has to be fixed asap.

hellerve commented 9 years ago

@Tobsic is maintaining the problematic code, so I will assign him.

hellerve commented 9 years ago

Handling and receiving audio works! Wonderful!

hellerve commented 9 years ago

The PySoundGenerator thread seems to be working at least partially, although cleaning up and all related stuff isn't working yet. So what is left to do there?

  1. [x] There has to be a method to stop the execution of the thread; atm it just dies - not cool.
  2. [ ] The AudioOutputProcessor doesn't update its' state(or possibly: the Python thread is not receiving it) under some circumstances; i'll check that.
  3. [ ] It seems a bit slow to me; that could be either AudioPython or Qt; i'll look into that as well.

I. Update: The thread does not just die anymore - but is only closed when closing the editor.