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'In the Media' page #549

Open ayumi-b opened 4 months ago

ayumi-b commented 4 months ago

The Problem: Over the ten years, VetsWhoCode and Jerome Hardaway have been mentioned or featured in many outlets. Jerome has also been a guest on many podcasts. On the website, the page has no mention of these items. It would generally be nice to keep a catalog of these items somewhere.

The Solution: Use a page on the website to keep a log up to date with these items, or at least the ones we'd like to mention on the website.

jeromehardaway commented 3 months ago

Wrote an Epic for @Cameron-Porter and @kbrandon19 to use to formulate a plan. Put the tickets on the project board and assign to people acordingly.

Epic: Enhancing the VetsWhoCode Website with a Media and Podcast Catalogue

Epic Title: Media and Podcast Catalogue Integration

Background: Over the past decade, VetsWhoCode, under Jerome Hardaway's leadership, has gained notable recognition across various media outlets and podcasts. These appearances not only celebrate the achievements and impact of VetsWhoCode but also serve as invaluable resources and inspirations for veterans and the coding community at large. Currently, the VetsWhoCode website lacks a dedicated section to showcase these accomplishments, leading to missed opportunities for promoting the organization's visibility and outreach.

Objective: The primary goal is to develop and integrate a comprehensive, easily navigable, and up-to-date catalog of media mentions and podcast appearances on the VetsWhoCode website. This catalog will serve as a repository, highlighting the organization's recognition across various platforms and enhancing its digital footprint.

User Stories:

  1. As a website visitor, I want to view a curated list of media mentions and podcast appearances so that I can learn more about VetsWhoCode's impact and listen to discussions involving Jerome Hardaway and the organization.

  2. As the website administrator, I need an efficient way to add, update, and manage media mentions and podcast appearances to keep the catalog current without extensive technical intervention.

  3. As a potential sponsor or partner, I want to easily access VetsWhoCode's media mentions and podcast appearances to gauge the organization's outreach, impact, and credibility in the tech and veteran communities.

Technical Specification:

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The catalog is easily accessible from the website's main navigation.
  2. Visitors can view a list of media mentions and podcast appearances, including the title, date, and a link to the original source.
  3. The catalog page loads efficiently, with server-side rendering ensuring fast content delivery.
  4. Administrators can add, edit, or remove entries through a simple web interface or direct database access, without needing to manually update the website code.
  5. The page design is responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices.


  1. Design and Prototyping: Develop wireframes and design prototypes for the catalog page and administrator interface.
  2. Development: Implement the frontend and backend functionalities, including the database or data storage mechanism.
  3. Testing: Conduct thorough testing for usability, performance, and responsiveness across different devices and browsers.
  4. Deployment and Monitoring: Deploy the updated website on Vercel, monitor the performance, and gather user feedback for future enhancements.

Success Metrics:

jeromehardaway commented 3 months ago

I would recommend you look at MDX with a card set up. or the data /json logic used in modules set up