Vets-Who-Code / vets-who-code-app
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Ensure Visual Titles Use Correct Semantic HTML or Roles #560

Open jeromehardaway opened 3 months ago

jeromehardaway commented 3 months ago

Description: We've identified an issue where elements in our application that visually present themselves as titles are not semantically marked up as headings. To adhere to best practices for accessibility and semantic HTML, these elements need to be properly coded. Specifically, elements that look like titles should either be marked up with heading tags (h1 to h6) or, if using non-heading tags (such as div, span, p, etc.), should include a "role" attribute set to "heading". This change is crucial for screen reader users to understand the page structure correctly and navigate our content more effectively.

Action Required:

Additional Information: To assist with this task, we are offering a free PDF report that details all the elements requiring attention, along with full instructions on how to correct these issues. This report is available upon request and will be sent directly to your email.

Neutral Score Explanation: This ticket is created as a proactive measure to enhance our application's accessibility and semantic structure. The requirement for correct semantic tagging or roles may not have been previously enforced, which might have resulted in these elements being overlooked. Therefore, this task may not be applicable to all elements previously considered as titles but aims to standardize our approach to ensure accessibility and compliance moving forward.

Please prioritize this task as it is fundamental to our commitment to providing an accessible digital environment for all users.

IngridFuentes commented 3 months ago

Hi @jeromehardaway , can you send me the pdf? Thanks.