Vexcited / lpadder

Offline application that allows you to play Launchpad covers from anywhere, directly from your web browser.
MIT License
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feature: sampling using pad combination #14

Open TrizekYT opened 2 years ago

TrizekYT commented 2 years ago

Make an option to create double sampling, which is a method that cannot be utilized in Ableton currently. If you only press one button, it will not play the sample. But if you press the button along with another button, it will play the sample. This could be good for mirrored sampling, or sampling where you have to press 4 buttons or more at once.

Another good addition to add some extra spice would be to have a "gap" setting to widen the gap between the time you have until you're no longer able to press the next sample. this could help with finger sliding. for example: you can adjust the "gap" to be one second, so you can play one button and wait a maximum of 1 second to hit the next button for it to play the sample.