Vexcited / lpadder

Offline application that allows you to play Launchpad covers from anywhere, directly from your web browser.
MIT License
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feature: multi-launchpad in `collab` mode #15

Open TrizekYT opened 2 years ago

TrizekYT commented 2 years ago

If you could provide support for more than one launchpad/midi device at a time, that would be a big bonus! and if you could do that with PlayShare enabled like requested here: you could literally do duo launchpad projects live! (like one person does drums and the other does the melody)

Feature Tracking

Vexcited commented 2 years ago

As you can see...


and here,

; the support for multi-(real)launchpads is already done !

Also, the support in projects is also, already done, as you can see here, you can add multiple launchpads to a project.

Now, the thing is to support that in "collab" mode (that's how I call the multiplayer).

I edited your message to provide better feature tracking.