Vheissu / Ci-Smarty

Smarty templating engine integration for Codeigniter 3.0+ with inbuilt theming and asset management.
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{PHP} tags #48

Open xensor opened 9 years ago

xensor commented 9 years ago

how would i go about using them?

{PHP} tags it gives Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "application\views\news\profile.php" on line 1 "{php}" unknown tag "php" <-- thrown in G:\wamp\www\frame\application\third_party\smarty\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 1 when i use it.

how would i go about allowing it?

ernesthernandez commented 9 years ago

you need extend smarty library to SmartyBC to use PHP tags

sammahfoud commented 7 years ago

@pewpewu can you please elaborate more ? The parser uses Smarty by default apparently. How to make it use SmartyBC ?

foxmedo commented 6 years ago

@pewpewu you can change this lines to solve your problem

require_once APPPATH."third_party/Smarty/SmartyBC.class.php"; class CI_Smarty extends SmartyBC {

in smarty library