Vheissu / aurelia-for-real-world-web-applications-book-feedback

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triggered vs delegated events #13

Closed wshayes closed 8 years ago

wshayes commented 8 years ago

A section specifying when to use triggers vs delegates and a listing of what events can use triggers vs delegates and highlighting things like Firefox change events providing pre-change values vs other browsers post-change values. An example gotcha: http://blog.williamhayes.org/2016/03/aurelia-change-event-firefox-woes.html

But I've gotten burned several times trying to use a trigger on something that only allows a delegate (or is it vice versa :) I'd love to have a single place to view best practice and practical advise.

wshayes commented 8 years ago

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33904248/aurelia-delegate-vs-trigger-how-do-you-know-when-to-use-delegate-or-trigger Good overview

wshayes commented 8 years ago

You've already added this - sorry!