Vheissu / aurelia-for-real-world-web-applications-book-feedback

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Difference between Element and DOM.Element #29

Closed danlourenco closed 8 years ago

danlourenco commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

First off: thanks for the book. It's coming along great. I was wondering though if you could explain the difference (if any) between the following two approaches to inject the containing DOM element into the VM of a custom element:

I'm doing the following in my app:

import { inject, customElement } from 'aurelia-framework';

export class Nes {

  constructor(element) {
    this.element = element;

In your example, you do the following:

import {inject, DOM} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class ElementNameCustomElement {

     constructor(element) {
          this.element = element;

Where is my 'Element' argument coming from? Is my approach out of date?


Vheissu commented 8 years ago

Using straight up Element by itself is the same as DOM.Element. Using the DOM export is more for future purposes where Aurelia will run into multiple environments. When the server-side isomorphic stuff is added as well as Node.js support where globals do not exist, Aurelia will handle this for you. Element itself is a globally accessible object, if you open up your developer tools and type Element you'll see it outputs a constructor function.

I'll make sure this is all clarified in the book.

danlourenco commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the clarification!

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

This is in chapter 5.