Vheissu / aurelia-for-real-world-web-applications-book-feedback

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Show alternate way to inject without decorator #4

Closed Vheissu closed 8 years ago

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

As per @wshayes suggestion in the book Disqus comments, show how to inject dependencies without needing to use the @inject

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

The alternate method of injecting dependencies without the @inject dependency will probably make its way into the next published release of the book in maybe a week or so.

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

which chapter or page is this shown in today's update?

if it's not too much work, would be great if you mention this in all issues which get into the book. at least for those which might not be so obvious. maybe as book grows this would become of great help. for example I searched for 'inject' and I couldn't see this new way. thanks a lot!

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

Sorry @mikefills this is an unpublished chapter on Dependency Injection. It'll probably be another release or two before it's pushed out. Sorry all of the chapters roll into one sometimes.

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

A WIP version of the dependency injection chapter is coming next release.

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

Latest release is out and this is in the dependency injection chapter 11.