Vhoyon / Discord-Bot

A Bot that we make for learning stuff out and having fun!
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Implement a way to handle pluralization in language lines #87

Closed V-ed closed 6 years ago

V-ed commented 6 years ago

This could be heavily inspired by Laravel's Localization utility (https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/localization#retrieving-translation-strings) :

AppleCount=[0] There are none|[1,19] There are some|[20,*] There are many

A new method to get those types of lines would be added to the Translatable and Dictionary objects : langAmount().

This langAmount method would take some parameters :

@param key Key of the lang to map from the lang() method.
@param amount Integer telling the amount of objects there is - used to determine which portion of the lang to pick from the list.
@param replacements Variable amount of replacements to replace text in the line found.
String langAmount(String key, int amount, String... replacements)

This way, to further the example above, trying to access AppleCount would be like so :

String appleText = langAmount("AppleCount", list.size());

Another example would be this string :

VariableCounter=[0] There is no variable here!|[1] There is only 1 variable here...|[2,20] There are {0} variables here!|[21,*] There is too many variables in here, the maximum accepted is 20!

Accessed this way :

String variableCountText = langAmount("VariableCounter", variables.size(), variable.size());

In that example, if the number of variable is between 2 and 20, it will actually show the number of variables in the formatted text, and that in different languages if wanted!

int size;

size = 4;
String variableCountText = langAmount("VariableCounter", size, size);
// variableCountText = "There are 4 variables here!"

size = 1;
String variableCountText = langAmount("VariableCounter", size, size);
// variableCountText = "There is only 1 variable here..."

size = 24;
String variableCountText = langAmount("VariableCounter", size, size);
// variableCountText = "There is too many variables in here, the maximum accepted is 20!"

We could throw a custom NumberOutOfRangeException (that extends IndexOutOfBoundsException) if the number is not between the range the line allowed :

int size = -2;
String variableCountText = langAmount("VariableCounter", size, size);
// throws NumberOutOfRangeException
V-ed commented 6 years ago

I started thinking about how this will be implemented and came up with an object to handle lang lines : https://gist.github.com/V-ed/ffa57aec6bf646d2749a03a01c21d265

This code is not meant to be used in our Bot yet, but might be used as a template later on. This was just a proof of concept that such string could be handled by an object automatically.

This gist also doesn't include an idea I had while doing the code snippet : a LangAmountManager that would keep track of which range is used, which is available, handle different formats automatically, etc.

I'll say it again just in case : Please do not use this gist as-is, as it is not optimized, not entirely functionnal (works on a perfect scenario but as no error handling, etc) and repeats code.

V-ed commented 6 years ago

Issue moved to Vhoyon/Vramework #5 via ZenHub