ViMaSter / p400-thebarbershop

The fourth semester project at Games Academy Berlin. Shaving time, shaving money.
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Savefiles and loading them #14

Closed ViMaSter closed 9 years ago

ViMaSter commented 9 years ago

Use the serializer provided Unreal Engine 4.

Automatically save between customers.

Values to save

ViMaSter commented 9 years ago

Added username for possible online-highscores with identification

RalfKessler commented 9 years ago

1) Do we have acces to a server where we can save the stats? 2) Online Highscores are great but what stats should be saved and compared? Accuracy doesn´t make sense cause after a while everyone has got 100%. The only usefull stat for a highscore table could be time needed for each mustache. Problem: every mustache should be shown alone with a top ten list of time. for a game with the possibility to create custom beards this could become a never ending code- and artwork. 3) possible solution: highscore has to be based on the time needed for each mustache and should be integrated in the evaluation after each customer. visual example: wp_20150419_15_52_28_pro

ViMaSter commented 9 years ago
  1. Do we have acces to a server where we can save the stats?
    Got that working with Sacred Guardians already. (Just missed to burn all required files to the Goldmaster CD... cough ) We'd use the same server that currently holds our automated builds. Hard drive space is not an issue with simple highscores.
  2. a: What is going to be compared?
    Thanks for pointing that out - you just killed my idea. : <
    Getting 100% accuracy will be damn-near impossible when we're comparing every single hair. And even if we'd limit it to integer values or add inaccuracy in any form or fashion (which would make it more likely to score 100%), how'd we compare a "faster shave with 97% accuracy" and a "slower shave with 99% accuracy"? Will have to rethink that.
    b: How will community-beards be listed?
    Definitely an issue. A simple list containing all "community-beards" is not enough. There's no way to reorder them, add images, etc., etc.. Will have to get back to that later too.
  3. Feedback for the possible solution
    Ignoring all points from above for a second, adding something (like the "global record time"-widget you suggested) to the evaluation, would be possible. What I'd add, is a "next best time" while the player is still shaving the customer. Based on the last time the player achieved, the game will tell the player "the next best player after you, only needed XX:YY minutes!" (see 2.a.), which not only motivates the player to beat his own highscore, but rather those of other players. (Bartels'-player-type killer, you know the drill...)
RalfKessler commented 9 years ago

2a) Even if you can´t reach the 100% score there will be a peak anywhere. the second point you have mentioned is the nearly impossibilty to compare a mediocre timeaccuracywushwush. it´s not clear enough and i like clear goals. 2b) thinking about this issue isn´t worth it for now. i´d rather find a simplified solution by cutting community-beards out of eventually highscoretable. 3) Nice possiblity to satisfy the killer. i´d love to see something like this ingame. let´s go this direction: After finishing the first complete version of the gdd i wil get in touch with time aspects of the game. therefore i will introduce a clock as a new interface element on screen (i´s getting to much in someplace). what about displaying a short higscoretable under this clock. the player always is mentioned in the middle and he can see the player above and beyond himself.


to be honest...i don´t know if this forces the player to always shave fast. the idea behind this game is to let the player decide wether to shave relaxed with high accuracy (in order to get more sp) or to shave fast to get more cash with a most likely bad accuracy

ViMaSter commented 9 years ago

Issue now obsolete. Continuing development on trello.